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‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #1: Funded!


Thanks to everyone who backed Skirmisher Publishing’s Kickstarter campaign for a "Platinum Edition" of our popular and bestselling City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities on the day it started! Thanks also to everyone who posted questions about the project or comments about why they were backing it — some of which pointed to the good use readers have gotten from this book since we originally began releasing it incrementally in 2008. 

Thanks to everyone who backed Skirmisher Publishing’s Kickstarter campaign for a "Platinum Edition" of our popular and bestselling City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities on the day it started! Thanks also to everyone who posted questions about the project or comments about why they were backing it — some of which pointed to the good use readers have gotten from this book since we originally began releasing it incrementally in 2008.

We are pleased to report that we hit our basic funding goal of $3,000 less than 16 hours after we launched this campaign. We are now moving toward the first of our Stretch Goals, a suite of full-page, full-color images by fantasy artist Amanda Kahl, which will become unlocked at just $4,000.

One of the things that has made Amanda one of Skirmisher’s favorite artists is her canny eye for what traditional fantasy images should look like. As publisher Michael O. Varhola has put it, “Amanda knows what an Orc looks like.” She clearly knows what a Dwarven weaponsmithy should look like as well, as indicated by this illustration-in-progress for the image that will face the opening page of City Builder’s Chapter 2: Craftsman Places if the stretch goal associated with her art is unlocked.

If you have already backed this project then next month you will receive a revised, expanded, and updated version of City Builder, and if we can unlock our Stretch Goals then sometime after that you will also receive an even bigger and more beautiful edition of the book. So, tell your friends about it so that we can take this guide to creating villages, towns, cities, and other sorts of communities for ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and fantasy settings to the next level!