
Imanaged to get around to watching Cell, based on the same book by Stephen King. It certainly was intense during some of the scenes, but it really deviated from the novel, and as you would expect, a great deal.
And I was not happy with how it ended.
The issue with taking any Stephen King novel and attempting to put it on the big screen, or even a TV or Direct to Video movie is unless it's a mini-series, it cannot be done properly.
So many scenes I still remember from the novel never made it into the movie, such as those converted by their cellular devices instead of killing regular humans, forcing them to listen to the cells in order to convert them.
And the Psionic powers they began to display.
There was just so much missing and it really ruined the movie. Personally I believe it never should have been made, despite Sam Jackson having a major role in it.
If you have Netflix, then watch it, otherwise, don’t waste your time and money renting it through any of the numerous streaming services which are available.