d-infinity Live! Series 3, Ep. 45: Edition Wars!

d-infinity Live! Series 3, Ep. 45: Edition Wars!


My edition could kick your edition's butt! This week the d-Infinity (d-∞) crew and special guest Jarred Wray Wallace (Dagon Industries, Inc.Podcast at Ground Zero) go over the top into the breach to join the battle gamers have been waging against themselves since time immemorial. The Edition War! The unending conflict between different editions of the same game and the people who play them. Are some editions quantitatively better than others? Have new editions killed classic franchises? Why do some games keep coming back again and again and never seem to get a good edition?

Oddities for a Cabin in the Woods

Oddities for a Cabin in the Woods

Mythos Society Guide to New England: Bonus Monster - Wodenlithi Draug!

Mythos Society Guide to New England: Bonus Monster - Wodenlithi Draug!