The Culture of Geek (d-Infinity Live! Series 6 Episode 18)

The Culture of Geek (d-Infinity Live! Series 6 Episode 18)


We've come a long way, or have we? This week the noisome nerds at d-Infinity gather to explore the ways table top gaming conquered geek culture, and how geek culture conquered the world. Should we weep for there are no worlds left to conquer? How heavy is the head bursting with pop culture references that wears the crown? Learn all this and more on d-Infinity Live!

As always we're answering your questions live on the show. If you have any questions about geek culture, post them in the comments below!

H.G. Wells, Wargaming, & 'The New Machiavelli'

H.G. Wells, Wargaming, & 'The New Machiavelli'

Hooked on Parasites

Hooked on Parasites