The Wyrm in the Wood - A Scenario for Ragnarok: Age of Wolves!

Below is a scenario for the Ragnarok: Age of Wolves Skirmish Wargame. It expands on the Huldrfolk, who were represented in the RAW Core book. It also includes much more on the Ormlatr, also known as the Wyrmfostren - of which Eirik Wyrmson, is one. Eirik is one of the principle figures in the campaign included in the book. The Ormlatr expands on the way wyrms interfere with the environment, and brings some new wyrmic creatures onto the battlefield.
The Ormlatr, wyrm-tainted creatures under the command of Anlath Skullsplitter, have learned of the graveyard of an ancient wyrm in the forest home of the Eolhwood Huldrfolk. They have come in search of a new source wyrm-taint, which sometimes lingers for ages in the remains of a powerful dragon, upon which they can grow stronger.
Of course, the death ground of an ancient wyrm might also hold gold and treasures – things that the Ormlatr always covet.
But the Huldrfolk of the Eolhwood have learned of the Ormlatr incursion in time to oppose it. By the time Yrkana Huldrkona has gathered all the strength that could be mustered in the time allowed, Anlath’s warband is within the sacred forest. The two forces now face each other over the bones of the ancient serpent.
Setting Up:
Ideally you should have some dragon bone scatter terrain. I made mine for about $7 in materials from a cheap dino-skeleton toy of a tyrannosaurus rex, laid out over three plastic bases, then sanded, flocked and painted. The whole project took about an hour and a half, and most of that was waiting for glue and paint to dry. If you don’t have dragon bones, you can set up some other markers in their place. Two or three pieces is ideal, arrayed in a logical pattern for a dead dragon, somewhere near the center of the table.
Of course you will need Warbands for the Ormlatr and Huldfolk. If you prefer, you can substitute other forces for either side, possibly altering the location from a forest-y one to one more fitting.
Yrkana Huldrkona is a new character that does not appear in the book or the card deck. A powerful magician of the Eolhwood, she has existed for many centuries, crafting new forms for herself according to her needs of the moment. Currently, she has incorporated her spirit in a writhing mass of branches and vines that she holds in a vaguely humanoid shape about the size of a large brown bear. I rebased and repainted an old plastic pre-painted Shambling Mound figure from D&D for her figure. For this scenario, I gave Yrkana the spell “Summon Water Elemental” instead of “Cloak of Feathers”.
Yrkana called up a number of huldrfolk and huldrkin to aid her, and these can be found in RAW core, as well as in the card deck.
To beef up the Huldrfolk, I created a couple of Hero Rank (3) huldrfolk characters, Embla and Birka. They are improved huldrfolk from RAW Core, characters rather than followers, and with two claw attacks rather than the typical claw and branch throw combination of melee and ranged attacks. The also each possess a familiar, which means they do not suffer any disadvantage for being attacked from the flank or rear (the thinking being that the familiars are watching their “6”). Embla and Birka can lead huldrfolk, huldrkin, work as a pair of powerful warriors, or split up and go solo.
Yrkana also called up some Earthkin, which are a new type of Huldrfolk. They are lesser spirits, like huldrkin, but have incorporated in bodies of animated stones. I used some figures I sculpted too many years ago for the Clan War game, of small rocky elemental humanoids, to depict the Earthkin.
The Ormlatr (“The Leavings of Wyrms”):
Anlath Skullsplitter is a powerful and heavily wyrm-tainted abomination determined to attain dragondom, temporal power, and great riches. He has grown powerful and wealthy after going “Into the Barrowlands” to raid the tombs of the draugar and fought other tomb raiders as well. I sculpted a humanoid dragon figure quite some time ago for Lance & Laser, so I used that, less the wings, and with a little reworking of the head.
Anlath is a powerful Wyrmfolk warlord, and leads a group of his kin, lesser Wyrmfolk. Generations ago, Wyrmfolk were human beings, but they have lived with increasing exposure to taint, have mutated into their reptilian forms, and acquired the rapacity of the draconic race. Though not as powerful as Anlath, the Wyrmfolk have tough scaly hide, unnatural vitality, and a powerful bite as a weapon of last resort if their weapons are lost.
Among his growning warband, Anlath has a number of Ormspawn, human-sized wyrms, driven from the nest of their draconic dame, yet not strong enough to protect a lair of their own. If they survive Anlath, they will grow into wyrms – Like Lokkhar.
Lokkhar is the newest member of Anlath’s Ormlatr warband. Though huge, and possessed of a pair of wings that can carry him over the battlefield, Lokkhar lacks the ability to spit fire. This deficiency allowed Anlath to bully the wyrm into submission (at least for the moment).
The members of longest standing in Anlath’s band are a pair of Ormlatr, large quadrupedal creatures descended from wyrm-tainted wolves that fared too close to a dragon lair for too long. Since, Ormlatr have bred and become a danger in much of the Mythic North. Anlath found this pair as juveniles and controls them with a combination of domination and something approaching compassion. They reward his care, and their regular feedings, with savage loyalty.
The final member of Anlath’s band is a Drakkin, a small dragon, possibly the progeny of Hrotfang, driven from the lair. Should the creature survive, it will eventually grow into a winged drakkar, and be a match even for Anlath. Until then, or the time when the jealous older wyrmspawn deems him too much a danger, the drakkin serves as Anlath’s scout.
Cards for all the creature not included in RAW Core are included in the attached pdf. Those included in RAW Core also are represented as cards in the War Deck, which also includes all spells, and the Runes, and is a VERY handy asset at the table.
The Battlefield:
In addition to the dragon bones, there area few other features that make this battlefield more interesting still.
Runestones – In the ancient past, A number of runestones were placed around the wyrm’s bones. Whatever they once said is indecipherable, but they might retain some power. The first model to approach within 1 inch of a runestone should immediately make a Rank Check.
10 or less The runestone casts Evil Eye on the victim for the rest of the game, or until countered.
11-12 The runestone saps the will of the model. !t can do nothing for the rest of the current turn.
13-14 The model gains a Bonus Die.
15+ The model gains a rune. Draw a card from the Rune Deck.
Each Runestone works once, then requires weeks or months before its power is restored.
Dragon Bones – Scattered over the battlefield are dragon bones. The first model to spend an End Phase unchallenged by enemy in melee and in contact with or upon the base of the bones, gains 1 Bonus Die, and 1d6 Victory Points.
Tombs – Several tombs were built in the shadow of the dragon bones. Whether these housed the remains of those who fell against the monster, or the bodies of those interred later, is not known. But the tomb of a hero might yield treasures – or a curse. The first to turn the lid over and peer inside finds the following: roll 1d6
1 The wraith of the one interred within, hungry for the life of the one that disturbed its rest.
2-4 Bones and nothing more.
5-6 Treasure – 1 Loot Token.
Victory Points:
· Ormlatr gain 4 VP Loot Token.
· Huldrfolk gain 2 VP per Loot Token they claim, and 2 for each Tom Undisturbed.
· Each Health Lost counts against your VP total.
· Each Health you dealt to an enemy adds to your VP total.
If you like this, you might want to pick up the game and the war deck. You might also like some of the other Ragnarok content on the site!