Starfinder: Flyer Arachnid

People in the Pact Worlds wonder if these little creatures were originally used as pets by the Vesk. Of course some brilliant bio-engineer or cyberneticist decided that it would be a good idea to give the little creatures titanium claws and teeth.
The end result is that even if the little creatures are not exactly sturdy, they are fast and their bites and claws can inflict surprisingly dangerous wounds, and often these wounds will bleed rather profusely due to their cybernetic modifications.
A handful of these creatures is not exactly difficult to dispatch, but when they are used against enemy troops or even enemy encampments or fortifications. The little creatures are able to dodge and weave their way out of harm’s grasp, and even area effect weapons are often of little use when dealing with these creatures.
To make matters worse, they can use their teeth to chew through wire mesh and even walls or doors – given enough time – unless the features are made out of pure metal. Wire mesh covering exhaust vents, shafts and the like are completely at the little dino’s mercy!
As is the case with many of the genetically modified dinosaurs used by the Vesk, these creatures are slightly more intelligent than their original ancestors, and even these little creatures are fully capable of learning how to open doors, drawers, and even fiddle with simple latches or other such mechanisms.
When they are not being used to harass enemy soldiers, these creatures are often left to their own devices on the bases and installations used by the Vesk. After all, they keep small vermin and other pests down to a minimum… and the Vesk consider them a tasty snack!
Compsognathus Combatant CR 1/3 XP 135
Neutral small animal (technological)
Init +3; Senses: Low light vision ; Perception +3
Defense HP 6
EAC: 10; KAC: 12
Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +0
Defensive Abilities: Evasion
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Bite +4 (1d3+1 P C Bleed 1 point), or claw +4 (1d4+1 S Crit bleed 1d2)
Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Titanium Claws and Teeth
Str +0; Dex +3; Con +1; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +3, athletics +7, stealth +7
Feats: Lightning reflexes
Languages: None
Environment: Any warm
Organization: Small hunting pack (1d4+1), Medium hunting packs (2d6+2), large hunting packs (4d6+4) or massive hunting packs (10d10+10)
Special Abilities
Evasion (Ex): Whenever the Compsognathus is subjected to a reflex save to avoid half damage; it will automatically avoid all damage upon a successful save.
Titanium Claws and teeth (Ex): The little beasts have had their natural weapons augmented with titanium, and as a result, they tend to inflict more damage than a creature of their size and weight. This makes the little monsters even more fearsome – as the damage inflicted by their natural weapons tend to cause the wounds to bleed profusely.
Defensive Regurgitation
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: 2 times the power score (round to nearest 5 feet).
Duration: 4d4 hours
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: Power score modifier times per day (minimum of once)
Uneven Growth (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Flyer Arachnid Combatant CR 2 XP 600
Neutral medium vermin
Init +9; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
Defense HP 30
EAC: 17; KAC: 19
Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +1
Defensive Abilities: DR 2 / -, evasion; Immunities: fire, poison, radiation
Speed: 20 ft., 80 ft. (fly – good)
Melee: Two claws +7 (1d6+4 S) or bite +11 (1d4+4 P)
Offensive Abilities: Explosive Egg
Str +2; Dex +5; Con +0; Int -; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +12
Feats: Improved initiative, lightning reflexes
Other Abilities: Hardened survivor
Languages: None
Environment: Any
Organization: Squads (2d4+4), or flocks (6d4+6)
Special Abilities
Diving slash (Ex): The Flyer can dive at any target, and can move up to twice its normal movement rate. The creature cannot make any turns while attempting this maneuver. The creature will gain a +2 to hit with its claws and the damage is increased to 2d6+4 if the slash succeeds. This requires a full round action to complete.
Evasion (Ex): Whenever the Flyer is subjected to a reflex save to avoid half damage, it will automatically avoid all damage upon a successful save.
Explosive Egg (Ex): Occasionally the flyer will carry a pair of ‘eggs’ into combat with them. These can be dropped from any height and once they impact the ground, the eggs will explode in a 20 foot radius. The area of effect will suffer 2d6+3 points of flame damage, with a Ref save (DC 13 for half damage, as the area is coated in the napalm-like chemical used by the Spewer Arachnid. After the ‘egg’ detonates, the flame will continue to burn for 1d3+1 rounds, unless the victim is able to somehow smother the flames (rolling in dirt, dousing in chemical fire-extinguishing foam, jumping into a river or large body of water). Also the napalm-like fire will remain on whatever terrain it coated when the arachnid used this ability and will last for 1d3+1 rounds before burning out. The Flyer can use this ability only twice, and then it needs to ‘reload’ back at its base.
Hardened Survivor (Ex): The warrior is completely immune to poisons and radiation, and it is able to withstand extreme conditions, even utter vacuum. Whenever the beast must make a saving Fortitude saving throw when dealing with environmental conditions, it gains a +10.