Spying Skull: A New Pathfinder Divination

Spying Skull: A New Pathfinder Divination


You transform a humanoid skull into a magical spy.


School divination (scrying); Level anti-paladin 3, cleric 3, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2

Casting Time 1 hour

Components V, S, M (a moss agate worth 50 gp)

Range touch

Target one humanoid skull touched

Effect see through the eyes of a skull

Duration permanent (D)

Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

You transform a humanoid skull into a magical spy. As an action you can project your senses into your spying skull, seeing through the skull's eye sockets as if they were your own, hearing what transpires around the skull as if it possessed your ears, or both. While projecting one of your senses through a spying skull you cannot use that sense to perceive your surroundings, effectively rendering you blind, deaf, or both. Alternatively, you can command a spying skull to alert you when a specific action or event transpires within the range of its senses (e.g., when a type of creature passes by, when a spell is cast, when someone disrobes, etc.). You can project your senses into a spying skull so long as both you and the skull are on the same plane. A spying skull does not function within an anti-magic field. Destroying a spying skull breaks the enchantment. Finally, you can maintain a number of spying skulls equal to half your caster level.

Starfinder: Critters (Eaters)

Starfinder: Critters (Eaters)