Runequest Thursday #9: Creature – The Shovel-Nose!

Shovel-noses are a type of pachyderm, about the size of a hippopotamus, and living similar lives. They live in herds of up to one hundred animals, with a number of senior males and their mates and offspring. Though not as belligerent as hippos, they are territorial and just as deadly when roused.
Shovel-noses are nearly always encountered in or near water in warmer climes, usually shallow rivers, streams or lakebeds, where they root for tender subsurface vegetation. They are a relatively common sight in the River of Cradles, especially in the many boggy areas during Water and Fire Seasons. As the river dries, the herds inhabit the river itself or seek out one of the smaller permanent marshes that dot its length.
Though not aggressive, a shovel-nose will fight rather than flee, unless it views the threat as truly overpowering. A pack of daggerfangs will have a tough fight on their paws, but the amount of meat on even a small shovel-nose makes it worth the risk. Shovel-nose tusks are prized as a source of ivory, and their meat and hide are also useful.
Location |
Melee |
Ranged |
Armour |
Hit Points |
43 |
R. Hind Leg |
1-3 |
1-2 |
3 |
12 |
22 |
L. Hind Leg |
4-6 |
3-4 |
3 |
12 |
42 |
Hindquarters |
7-19 |
5-9 |
3 |
16 |
8 |
Forequarters |
10-13 |
10-14 |
3 |
16 |
5 |
R. Front Leg |
14-16 |
15-16 |
3 |
12 |
12 |
L. Front Leg |
17-19 |
17-18 |
3 |
12 |
Actions |
2 |
Head |
20 |
19-20 |
3 |
14 |
Move |
8 |
SR |
+9 |
HP |
33 |
Skills: Athletics 40%, Swim 60%, Brawn 60%, Perception 45%, Persistence 49%, Resilience 88%
Traits: Throw, Trample
Attacks Reach Attack Damage Maneuver
Gore 1 40% 1d8+1d12 Impale
Throw 0 60% 1d8+1d8 Stun
Trample 0 35% 1d10+2d8 Sunder
Gore - The tusks are also vicious impaling weapons, and the first special maneuver chosen on a Gore is always Impale. If a foe is Impaled, the next Combat Action sees the shovel-nose aim to Throw its victim with a toss of its head. If the impaled victim is conscious, he may pit either his Athletics or Acrobatics against the Brawn of the shovel-nose. If successful, he remains impaled. If unsuccessful or if unconscious, the victim is thrown a number of metres equal to 25–Victim’s SIZ, suffering both damage from the removal of the Impaling tusks, plus falling damage due to the severity of the fall.
Trample - A shovel-nose will not trample on purpose, but if someone were caught in the way of one or more of these beasts, they might do so inadvertently as they continued their movement.