The Witchcraft system that I created is built around the notion that witches and warlocks learn how to seek out supernatural entities, bargain with them effectively, and learn magic from them. CHArisma is a core stat for the witch because getting along with such entities is key to success as a witch, but also because it reflects the individual’s confidence in her own ability. With this distinction in mind, it seems like a good idea to describe some Supernatural Tutors that witches and warlocks could hit up for spell knowledge.
Although not a witch, a sorcerer could conceivably learn a spell from a supernatural tutor. But sorcerers also learn about grimoires and details of magical theory, such that they can harness the power of the cosmos and channel through their understanding of magic. They understand magic at a conceptual level – in Glorantha, this would be by comprehending the nature of the runes themselves.
Witches don’t understand magic the same way. And generally, they probably won’t care to understand it much at all. For the witch, magic is a reflection of their relationship with the magical world, as personified by the entities with whom they have interacted in their quest for knowledge and power. Such creatures, be they Elemental Powers, Animal Lords, Dragons, Demons, Vampires, or something else entirely, are concentrations of the world’s enchantment, and worth knowing for that reason.
In a way, you could sum this up with the trite saying: Sorcery is about WHAT you know, Witchcraft is about WHO you know.
The following are three potential tutors of Witchcraft. There are many more, and you can make up some to suit your own campaign. Many games already contain such creatures: Elemental Lords, Greater Animal Spirits, Demons, Failed Gods, even vampires, are possible as tutors.
Each is written using the same profile. When you use others, or make your own, keep the following in mind:
Name: Name or names by which the entity is often known
Type: Brief description of the entity
Aspects: one or two-word descriptors of the entity, useful for roleplaying interactions, determining interests, powers, favored concepts, etc.
Prowess: These describe the sorts of powers the entity might have, and the kinds of magic it might provide
Background: Short history of the entity and what is known about it
Place of Power: Where the entity resides, or someplace at which it can be contacted.
Favors: Things the entity wants, likes, or approves of.
Tasks: Each entry will include at least one possible task the entity might set a supplicant witch.
Dislikes: Things the entity hates, fears, or dislikes.
For Magical Aspects, Background, Favors and Dislikes, the order in which such details are provided is from most commonly known to least known. This can be used to determine any modifiers to knowledge rolls a witch might have should she want to research the entity before entreating it for a bargain.
You are free to use these tutors in your games, situating the places of power in whatever manner you like, modifying them as you see fit. Note that not all Supernatural tutors are equal. Some are more approachable, other are difficult to find but safer, or very unsafe. And others may have little or nothing they can teach. Some may even be uninterested in trading their knowledge for permanent POWer and service. But these generally would be of no interest to witches.
For another such creature, check out Jagrun Khan. You might also look at my articles on Greater Spirits and Spirit Cults for ideas. These guys have cults, so would be less interested in the appeal of a witch, but are good as an example of how to think about lesser spirits and other entities that would welcome one.
Name: Balal – The Smoke Jaguar, The Night Talon, The Preying Silence, Master of Jaguars, The Hungry One
Type: Animal Lord
Aspects: Jaguars, hunting, bestial fury, stealth, isolation, self-reliance
Prowess: Balal might teach spells or other abilities to do with shapeshifting (Jaguar Form, possibly a “smoke” form), stealth, tracking and hunting, finding prey, evading detection, summoning - Jaguar), melee combat – especially unarmed or with claws – natural or manufactured.
Background: Balal personifies violent death at the hands of a predator that lurks beyond the safely of hearth or campfire. He was known to the ancestors of modern folk as the beast that stalked them from the shadows, only to melt away when rescuers or hunters appeared. He is savage, and dangerous to approach. He is said to inhabit mists that lurk in hollows, and like the cat which he governs, takes to water easily. Balal fears nothing, and there are few creatures he does not consider potential prey. Primitive peoples near his place of power offer him slaughtered prey animals, sometimes even human sacrifice, in hope of appeasing his appetites. Too ferocious for a cult, Balal occasionally grants his favor to those who approach in the correct manner.
Place of Power: Balal inhabits the obsidian monolith topped by the carved visage of a snarling jaguar, built for him a thousand year before by some tribesmen hoping to placate the powerful predator. He can roam for several miles from this spot in spirit form or as a seemingly normal, but much more deadly, black panther.
Favors: Balal favors fresh meat, ideally in the form of a complete prey animal, but will accept fresh livers as well. Such offerings are enough to allow a prospective supplicant to approach without incurring Balal’s wrath. He will require power, and more meat for the bargain.
- Clear the general area surrounding Balal’s Place of Power of snares and traps.
- Bring him the liver of a nearby hunter that recently disrupted Balal’s hunt.
Dislikes: Weakness, hunters of cats, plants, Fire/ Light.
Name: Hllytha – Child of the Pool, Stormsleet, The Willow Daughter
Type: Elemental Lady of Still Water
Aspects: water, cloud, life, healing, renewal, contemplation
Prowess: Hllytha teaches little outside the powers of rejuvenation and regeneration, but these are potent abilities indeed. Fish from the Pool of Hludd are exceptionally long-lived, and consuming their flesh allows one to regain POWer at twice the normal rate for 4 hours. She might allow an occasional fish to be taken, so long as its bones and skin were returned to the land by being buried beneath her willow bower. She might also lend her aid to one suffering a difficult pregnancy or labor.
Background: Hlytha has inhabited this pool for centuries. In the distant past, she was a goddess, but few remember her now, and she must suffice with what energy and worship she is given. She is gentle and patient with those who display these qualities, but will be shy around those who are forceful, angry or demanding. With such folk she will simply abide in the deepest portion of the pool, and wait for them to leave.
Place of Power: Hllytha’s place of power is the Pool of Hludd, a small pond of exceptionally still water, surrounded by weeping willows that shroud the pool in shadows and keep out the wind. Clouds are often seen overhead as one approaches, and always appear overhead from a position near the pool.
Favors: Hllytha favors offerings of willow boughs, seeds, and other symbols of life. She also appreciates those who display compassion, or are healers.
- Take some of her willow seeds be transported and seed them elsewhere.
- Return on each solstice to offer more power.
- Call upon her name when healing or caring for those who suffer.
Dislikes: Weapons, warriors, violence, fire.
Name: Ras’tiroath, Hellion of Desire, The Fanning Flame, The Rising One.
Type: Demoness
Aspects: fire, lust, sex, wildness of spirit, burning in any form, freedom.
Prowess: Ras, as she is called by those whom she chooses to help, can teach anything related to fire or seduction. She has power over the loosing of bonds, physical, mental, and magical, and can impart that to those she favors.
Background: Ras’tiroath appears as a fiery demoness of incredible and salacious beauty. Her feet leave fireprints behind when she is angered or excited and smoking ones when she is calmer. She is naturally a creature of the outer realms, but finds the inner worlds terrific places to play.
Place of Power: Unless she has been bound to a locale by a wizard, she might appear in places of constant fire, especially if they are also associated with lust, freedom, abandon, and wildness of heart – anything from an active volcano to a fireplace in a brothel, that has remained lit for a century, or is commonly witness to debauchery. If she has been bound, a magic circle or pentacle of silver and other potent items, would be in evidence.
Favors: offerings of blood, attractiveness, boldness, a burning brazier of silver fueled with the heartwood of a tree.
- Do her bidding for a set period of time.
- Summon her to the present world, free of constraint, for as long as she wishes.
- Break a Binding that has been placed upon her.
Dislikes: Water (especially Holy Water), commands, wizards, peace, calm.