Practical Magic: Martinizing Touch

Wizard spells tend to be huge, esoteric, and and designed to bring the maximum possible force to bare on even the smallest problem. As a result, purely utilitarian magic is rare. For every mending, there are a dozen spells for calling up living walls of electrically charged magma. With this in mind. d-Infinity is proud to present Practical Magic, the first in a series of functional, utilitarian, and efficacious spells designed to help your practitioners of the dark arts overcome the mundane challenges of everyday life with e minimum of effort.
Wizards are eccentric sorts, and this trait carries over into their craft. Their spells tend to be huge, esoteric, and and designed to bring the maximum possible force to bare on even the smallest problem. As a result, purely utilitarian magic is rare. For every mending, there are a dozen spells for calling up living walls of electrically charged magma. With this in mind. d-Infinity is proud to present Practical Magic, the first in a series of functional, utilitarian, and efficacious spells designed to help your practitioners of the dark arts overcome the mundane challenges of everyday life with e minimum of effort. We begin with martinizing touch, for when you're too busy to do laundry.
School transmutation; Level cleric 0, sorcerer/wizard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a pinch of powdered solvent)
Range touch
Target set of clothes touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
This spell cleans a full set of clothes in seconds, turning the filthiest pile of rumpled into a cleaned, pressed, and folded ensemble. If the touched clothes are loose, they neatly fold themselves into an orderly arrangement. If the clothes are being worn during the casting, they are as pristine as the day they were first worn. This spell removes all stains, including hard to clean stains like blood and demonic ichor. This spell also restores creases, fluffs ruffles, and shines buttons. However, this spell does not repair damaged clothes (e.g. the shirt of a werewolf victim is no longer stained in the wearer's blood, but is still torn to shreds).
For the purpose of this spell, a full set of clothing consists of shirt/blouse, pants/skirt, underwear, socks, gloves, jacket, and hat, or seven individual items of clothing (counting paired wearables like socks and gloves as one item).