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Player's Guide to the Aegean Bonus Feature - Hesperax, Arachnaean Ne'er Do Well!


The BASH Swords of Kos Bundle, which includes the Player's Guide to the Aegean and Men and Monsters of the Aegean, is now available - at a 25% saving over buying the two publications separately. So I thought I would put out another player character for BASHing the Aegean.

Art for this post is by comic and game artist Amanda Kahl!

This Time - Hesperax, the Arachnaen scoundrel, thief, second-story artist, and former pirate.

Though not a "nice" character, she is not exactly remorseless or evil. Unprincipled, opportunitistic, and rapacious, she prefers not to kill, draws the line this side of torture and torment. Indeed, Hesperax fled from the crew of the notorious pirate and murderer Arioch Bloodmane, Champion of Abbadonia, because she could not stomach his bloodthirsty ways.

Hesperax turned up in Kos City one step ahead of Bloodmane, having left with bad blood between them, along with one or two items that did not really belong to her. She has taken to thievery, specializing in extracting valuable items from locations many others consider out of reach.