Physical Mutation: Circulatory Control

The mutant has excellent control of her circulatory system, which has numerous benefits.
Created to be used in combat, the Autonomous Mobile Swords (AMS) are self-replicating, artificially intelligent robots which can be turned loose and provided with specific parameters. This will cover the type of target they are to destroy, and the mission area they are to work in.
The construct looks like a metallic scorpion with a pair of clawed forelimbs and a long tail. The underside of the tail is covered by sharp spines, each coated with a neurotoxin, which can kill quite quickly. Where the mouth would be is a large circular blade, which is the constructs primary mode of attack. The ‘eyes’ are in fact infra-red cameras, and the constructs are capable of homing in on hidden targets by using the heartbeat. Hiding does not often work when it comes to these deadly robots.
These robotic units were nicknamed "screamers" due to a piercingly high-pitched noise produced when they engaged in combat, and other than the neurotoxin produced by the spines on the tail; this is the deadliest weapon in the constructs arsenal. It can use the blade to cut through nearly any barrier and is particularly effective against almost any type of armor. The tail has the advantage that it is able to ‘stretch’ when it is used to attack, taking opponents by surprise when they believe that they are out of the range of this weapon.
Although the constructs are relatively light-weight (typical specimen is no more than 75 pounds), the armor is exceedingly tough, and has a reflective quality, which can protect it from laser-based weapons.
AMS units hunt in packs, always targeting living organisms first, which appears to be their prime directive, although as stated, they can be programmed with specific targets to engage. They are also intelligent, and as such can plan, set up ambushes, and know when to wait, attack and retreat. They are not simply mindless drones, incapable of doing anything except follow pre-determined orders.
This is what makes the constructs so dangerous.
When they are damaged in combat, if the construct has the opportunity, it will retreat and begin self-repairs. Those who engage the constructs may think that they have the robots on the run, but in reality they are retreating long enough to deal with the damage inflicted and will suddenly appear out of nowhere, ready to continue the fight. This has been the downfall of many an opponent which has underestimated them. If one is damaged, the best thing an opponent can do is continue to pump damage into the construct until it is destroyed.
The constructs are also fully capable of building new units. Given enough raw material and time, they are able to replenish their losses. All the constructs are automatically programmed to limit the number of units they are able to replicate, but on the rare occasion this built-in safeguard is disabled, and entire swarms can be created in a matter of days.
Autonomous Mobile Swords (AMS) Version 1.0 Combatant CR 1 XP 400
Neutral medium construct (technological, unliving)
Init +4; Senses. Blindsight (heartbeat) 100 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5
Defense HP 20
EAC: 12; KAC: 15
Fort: +1; Ref: +1; Will: +0
Defensive Abilities: Reflective coating; Immunities: Construct and unliving immunities
Vulnerabilities: Electrical
Speed: 40 feet.
Melee: Circular blade +9 (1d8+4 S Crit bleed 1d3), or two claws +5 (1d4+4 S), or tail strike +9 (1d6+4 P Crit knockdown)
Space: 5 ft., Reach: 10 ft. (tail attack only)
Offensive Abilities: Neurotoxin-coated spines
Str +3; Dex +4; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +5, survival +10
Other Abilities: Self repair and replication
Languages: Lexicon
Environment: Any
Organization: Medium hunting packs (2d6), large hunting packs (4d10), or Swarms (10d20)
Special Abilities
Electrical Vulnerability (Ex): They are vulnerable when it comes to electrical attacks, taking an additional +1 damage per dice. When the construct faces electrical damage, it must make a Fort save (DC 10 + half the damage inflicted) or become staggered for 1 round.
Lexicon (Su): The AMS’s CPU contains a lexicon of all known languages, and can easily understand anything said around it, although it cannot speak.
Neurotoxin-Coated Spines (Ex): Any target struck by the tail will automatically be injected with a neurotoxin. The toxin will be in effect for 2d4 rounds and each round the victim is allowed a Fort save (DC 12). If the save succeeds, then the victim will not suffer the effects of the toxin that round. However, if the save fails, the victim suffers 1d3 points of damage as well as the loss of 1d3 points of Dexterity. Once two successful saves are made in a row, the victim will have purged the effects from its body.
Reflective Coating (Ex): The metallic ‘skin’ of the screamer is able to absorb or redirect incoming laser-based attacks. Any laser-based attack has a 20% chance of being redirected in a random direction. Otherwise it gains a DR 3 against laser-based weapons only.
Self-Repair and Replication (Ex): As a full round action, the construct can initiate nanites in its form to being emergency repairs. The AMS will automatically heal to its full HP total. The AMS has to have at least one hit point remaining to initiate this ability, as once it reaches zero, it has been destroyed. This can be used once per day. It can also spend 24 hours, using these same nanites, to build a new unit. The AMS needs raw materials (which in most urban environments are readily available). This takes 24 hours, but after the new AMS has been constructed, it is fully functional and can begin constructing new units on its own. The number of AMS units can grow exponentially!
Lagromea Combatant CR 4 XP 1,200
Neutral large Ooze
Init +; Senses Blindsight (thermal, sound); Perception +10
Defense HP 50
EAC: 16; KAC: 18
Fort: +8; Ref: +4; Will: +1
Defensive Abilities: Acid fluids, DR 6 vs slash or piercing horrific stench; Immunities: Acid, ooze immunities, sightless
Speed: 20 feet.
Melee: 3 Pseudopod bash +8 (1d6+9 B)
Ranged: Bone-infused meat chunk +9 (1d6+4 P), range increment of 50 feet.
Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Flesh bomb
Str +5; Dex +1; Con +3; Int -; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +15, survival +10
Other Abilities: Engulf
Environment: Any, although most commonly found in cities or large communities
Organization: Solitary, small pods (1d4) or medium pods (3d4)
Special Abilities
Acidic Fluids (Ex): Anything attacking the creature with natural weapons (claws, bites, etc.) will automatically suffer 1d4+4 points of acid damage. This will not heal the Lagromea, as it cannot absorb the dissolved flesh.
Engulf (Ex): A Lagromea can engulf Large or smaller target as a standard action. The Lagromea merely has to move over the squares in which the targets are standing in. The victims are allowed an attack of opportunity when the creature does this. If they take this option, they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who choose to save must make a Ref save (DC 13) to avoid being engulfed. On a successful save, the target is pushed back or aside as the Lagromea moves. Targets engulfed automatically suffer the creatures 2d4+4 acid damage every round and gain the pinned condition, they are also in danger of suffocating, and are trapped within its body until they are no longer pinned. It should be noted that whenever acid damage inflicted on an engulfed creature, the Lagromea will heal half the damage inflicted, rounded down. So if it inflicts 7 points of damage, it will heal 3 points of damage.
Flesh Bomb (Ex): As a standard action, the creature can rip a section of its own flesh and hurl it at any target within 100 feet. It has a burst radius of 20 feet and anyone caught in the area of effect must make a Ref save (DC 13) or suffer 2d6+4 points of damage, half piercing, half acid. The creature can do this only 5 times per day.
Horrific Stench (Ex): The Lagromea exudes a powerful stench of rotting flesh in a radius of 30 feet around it. Anyone caught in this radius must make a Fort save (DC 13) or become sickened as long as they remain in the area of effect. As soon as they leave the area, they will lose the sickened condition at the beginning of their next round of action.
Demoniac, Master Combatant CR 13 XP 25,600
Lawful Evil Medium construct (technological, unliving)
Init +10; Senses. Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +23
Defense HP 225
EAC: 27; KAC: 29
Fort: +13; Ref: +13; Will: +10
Defensive Abilities: DR 13 against all physical attacks; Immunities: Construct and unliving immunities
Vulnerabilities: Electrical vulnerability
Speed: 50 ft.
Melee: Claw +27 (3d12+21 S Crit bleed 3d4) or Zero-edge Doshko +27 (7d12+21)
Ranged: Paragon Shirren-eye rifle +24 (6d10+13 P), or +24 Advanced reaction-cannon (6d10+8)
Offensive Abilities: Nanite infection
Str +8; Dex +6; Con -; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +2
Skills: Athletics +28, disguise +23, engineering +28, piloting +23
Feats: Improved initiative
Other Abilities: Control demoniac, convert corpse, shapeshift, weapon use
Languages: Common, and two other local languages (depending on location of infection)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or small groups (1d3)
Special Abilities
Control Demoniac (Su): Any common Demoniac within 5 miles of the Master are under its full and complete control. They will follow its order without question.
Convert Corpse (Ex): The creature can automatically convert a dead corpse into another Demoniac by inflicting a claw attack. The corpse will then go through a rapid conversion, becoming a fully functional Demoniac in only 1d8+2 rounds.
Electrical Vulnerability (Ex): They are vulnerable when it comes to electrical attacks, taking an additional +1 damage per dice. Unlike the common Demoniacs, they cannot be staggered from taking electrical damage.
Nanite Infection (Ex): Anyone who has taken damage from the claws of these creatures must make a Fort save (DC 19) or become infected by the nanites. The nanites will then begin to convert the living tissue into nanotechnology. This takes 2d8+12 hours to complete, and during this period of time, the victim has no idea what is happening to them, and may not even be aware something is wrong. They might experience strange visions and nightmares, and become more and more prone to anger outbursts and so forth, but that is the extent of it. Once the time is up, the victim will simply metamorphosis into a new Demoniac, losing all its former memories and abilities. When this happens, the creature will then attack all living beings nearby in order to infect and spread the infection. The Nanite infection can be cured through magic, or by subjecting the victim to a powerful EMP pulse or electrical attack.
Shapeshift (Su): The master demoniac is able to take the form of a normal-looking humanoid. The form it takes is always the one it wore before its conversion to a Demoniac. This is a free action, and while it appears to be humanoid, it cannot use its natural weapons. It is still vulnerable to electricity and retains its natural damage reduction against all types of physical attack.
Weapon Use (Ex): Strangely enough, the creature is capable of using any weapon it can get its hand on, regardless of the level. It will always carry at least one ranged weapon and melee weapon, but will typically forgo both in order to use its claws in order to infect targets.
Demoniac, Common Combatant CR 3 XP 800
Neutral medium construct (technological, unliving)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +8
Defense HP 40
EAC: 14; KAC: 16
Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +0
Defensive Abilities: DR 3 against all physical attacks; Immunities: Construct and unliving immunities
Vulnerabilities: Electricity
Speed: 50 ft.
Melee: +12 claw (1d6+7 S, Crit bleed 1d3) or +12 Dueling sword (1d6+7 S)
Ranged: +9 Semi-auto pistol, Tactical (1d6+3 P)
Offensive abilities: Nanite infection
Str +4; Dex +3; Con -; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +8, Piloting +13
Other Abilities: Convert corpse, weapon use
Languages: None
Environment: Anywhere
Organization: Solitary, small groups (1d4), medium groups (2d10), large groups (4d12), hoards (10d100)
Special Abilities
Convert Corpse (Ex): The creature can automatically convert a dead corpse into another Demoniac by inflicting a claw attack. The corpse will then go through a rapid conversion, becoming a fully functional Demoniac in only 1d8+2 rounds.
Electricity Vulnerability (Ex): They are vulnerable when it comes to electrical attacks, taking an additional +1 damage per dice and must make a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 damage inflicted) or become staggered until the beginning of their next round.
Nanite Infection (Ex): Anyone who has taken damage from the claws of these creatures must make a Fort save (DC12) or become infected by the nanites. The nanites will then begin to convert the living tissue into nanotechnology. This takes 2d8+12 hours to complete, and during this period of time, the victim has no idea what is happening to them, and may not even be aware something is wrong. They might experience strange visions and nightmares, and become more and more prone to anger outbursts and so forth, but that is the extent of it. Once the time is up, the victim will simply metamorphosis into a new Demoniac, losing all its former memories and abilities. When this happens, the creature will then attack all living beings nearby in order to infect and spread the infection. The Nanite infection can be cured through magic, or by subjecting the victim to a powerful EMP pulse or electrical attack.
Weapon Use (Ex): Strangely enough, the creature is capable of using any weapon it can get its hand on, regardless of the level. It will always carry at least one ranged weapon and melee weapon, but will typically forgo both in order to use its claws in order to infect targets.
Cenobite Expert CR 8 XP 4,800
Lawful evil medium outsider (evil, devil)
Init: +4; Senses: Darkvision 60 feet; Perception: +16
Defense HP 115
EAC: 23 KAC: 25 (Hells Protection)
Fort: +7; Ref:+7; Will: +13
Defensive Abilities: DR 10 Acid, cold Immunities: Fire, poison
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: +17 Soul-knife (4d4+10 P) or any weapon +17 (damage +10)
Ranged: +15 any ranged weapon (damage +8)
Offensive Abilities: Call forth Chains
Str +2; Dex +4; Con +1; Int +4; Wis +1; Cha +0
Skills Bluff +16, intimidate +21, mysticism +21, sense motive +21
Other Abilities: Telepathy, summon cenobite, weapons of mortals cannot harm
Languages: Abyssal, common, infernal
Environment: Any
Organization: Small cohorts (1d4+1)
Special Abilities
Call forth Chains (Su): The Cenobites are capable of calling forth the chains of hell to attack targets. As a full round action, the Cenobite can open minuscule portals to hell anywhere in a 60 foot range. From these portals unholy chains with terrible serrated and barbed chains will issue forth. The chains will target a single creature and attack. The creature is allowed a Will save (DC 18). If the save fails, the victim is pulled screaming into hell, where it will become a plaything of the Cenobites, possibly becoming one as well. Even if the save succeeds, the victim will suffer 4d10+8 P damage. The Cenobite can use this once per day.
Summon Cenobite (Su): As a full round action, the Cenobite can attempt to summon another 1d3 Cenobites from hell. This ability can be used once per day and has a 45% chance of succeeding. Any Cenobites summoned this way will remain until killed, or until the summoner releases them.
Telepathy (Su): The Cenobite is able to telepathically communicate with any other cenobite as long as they are on the same plane of existence. The Cenobite does not need to speak the creature’s language, as they can still communicate freely. If the target creature does not wish the telepathic contact, it is a Will save (DC 18) to resist. This is a free action and can be used at will.
Weapons of Mortals cannot harm (Ex): The Cenobite is completely immune to any weapon used against it. Weapons which have fusions added are the exception to this rule. Spells and spell-like abilities will also inflict damage against the Cenobites, although they are still immune to certain types of attacks and have a damage reduction against others.
Soul-Knife – A ebony blade, seeming made of obsidian, but in actuality the weapon is constructed of a black metal. The weapon is approximately 12 inches in length and light-weight. The serrated edge can cause terrible bleeding wounds, and can cut through most archaic armor. Each weapon possesses the Unholy and Wounding fusions.
Weapon |
Level |
Price |
Damage |
Critical |
Bulk |
Special |
Soul Knife |
9 |
17,200 |
4D4 |
Severe Wound |
L |
Analog, Unholy, Wounding |
Hells Protection – Every suit of this armor is custom made by the Cenobite wearing it, and as such no two sets of armor look the same. They do have two traits in common… the armor is made of a black leather, which when examined more closely is the flesh of humanoids, and it is always supple and made for ease of movement. Each has been upgraded with the Haste Circuit.
Armor |
Level |
Price |
Max Dex Bonus |
Armor Penalty |
Speed Adjustment |
Upgrade Slots |
Bulk |
Hells Protection |
8 |
18,250 |
+9 |
+11 |
+6 |
-1 |
- |
1 |
L |
Puzzle Box – Known by many different names such as Lament Configuration, Lemarchand Configuration, and so forth but commonly referred to as the puzzle box. The box appears as a metallic object about 4 inches per side in size, and weighing about 1 pound. The box has intricate symbols in gold and obsidian and can be moved by twisting and manipulating it. The user can attempt to solve this box, requiring an Intelligence or Mysticism check (DC 25). Once the box has been solved, it will summon a cohort of cenobites. They will arrive within 1d6 rounds, and always within 100 feet of the victim who solved the puzzle. The Cenobites then proceed to take the person and anyone nearby back to their home dimension where they will be shown the extremes of physical sensation.
Fortelve Combatant CR 5 XP 1,600
Neutral medium aberration (earth)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision 120 ft., see through anything 60 ft.; Perception +11
Defense HP 70
EAC: 17; KAC: 21
Fort: +7; Ref: +7; Will: +6
Defensive Abilities: DR 5 against all slashing or piercing attacks, noxious odor, terrible taste. Immunities: Acid
Speed: 50 ft.
Melee: Horn+14 (1d6+10 P Crit knockdown and 1d4 bleed), or bite +14 (1d8+10 P) or two claws +10 (1d6+10 S Crit knockdown)
Str +5; Dex +3; Con +3; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +11, survival +16
Other Abilities: See through anything
Languages: Common (understand only)
Environment: Plains, desert, hills
Organization: Solitary, small pack (1d4), Medium packs (2d6), large packs (4d6)
Special Abilities
Noxious odor (Ex): A slime which coats the creature’s body produces a horrific smell, which has been described as rancid cat urine mixed with the chemical concoction of a dead skunk’s glands and turds which have been baking in the sun too long. Anything which comes within 10 feet of the creature, and possesses a sense of smell must make a Fort save (DC 13) or become sickened for 1d6 rounds.
See through anything (Su): The creature has the strange ability to be able to see through anything. This allows it to see behind doors or into objects, allowing it to locate prey without any effort. It can even use this to see beneath the surface of the land, as it makes it easier to spot the prey it was designed to hunt. The special vision has a range of 60 feet.
Terrible taste (Ex): The slime coating the body of the creature tastes so horrible anything swallowing it whole will instantly regurgitate the Fortelve. This also extends to anything biting the Fortelve, as anything getting the slime in its mouth must make a Fort save (DC 15) or become sickened for 1d6 rounds.
Goriate Combatant CR 14 XP 38,400
Neutral Large monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft..; Perception +25
Defense HP 250
EAC: 28; KAC: 34
Fort: +16; Ref: +18; Will: +18
Defensive Abilities: DR 15 against all physical attacks, spiked body
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Bite +28 (8d8+26 P, Crit bleed 6d4), or two claws +24 (8d10+28 S Crit bleed 6d6), or grab (see core rule book for more information)
Ranged: +24 (5d12+14) maximum range 100 feet.
Space: 10 feet, Reach 10 feet.
Offensive abilities: Trample (8d8+26 half blunt, half piercing Crit knockdown)
Str +12; Dex +0; Con +6; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +30
Other Abilities: Infection, scream of despair
Languages: None
Environment: Anywhere
Organization: Solitary, small groups (1d4)
Special Abilities
Infection (Ex): The Goriate’s body is filled with a genetically engineered virus. Any time a victim takes physical damage from the creature, they must make a Fort save (DC 20) or become infected with the virus. Even the acid attacks carry the virus and the subject must make a saving throw! The virus works quickly. Each hour the victim will lose 1d3 points of Wisdom and once the score reaches zero, they will become savage animals with minimal intellect. They will only seek to infect others and feed. Also after infection has set in, the body of the victim will begin to show abnormal bone growth, with the bones coming out from the flesh of the victim. In 48 hours the victim will be covered from head to foot in the growths, gaining a natural damage reduction against all physical attacks, and a significant armor casing. If the victim is treated with any type of medicine or magic which cures disease, the virus will be destroyed and the lost Wisdom will return at the standard rate. Note that 1 in 100 victims will turn into the Goriate variant, the rest become Zugaikotsu.
Scream of Despair (Ex): The Goriate, as a standard action, can let loose a terrifying bellow. Anything within 100 feet of the monster must make a Will save (DC 20) or become shaken for 2d6 rounds. If the victim fails by 5 or more, they are rendered unconscious for the same period of time. The creature can use this ability once per day. All variants of this species are immune to the effects.
Spiked Body (Ex): The creature has jagged bone spurs covering its body, and as such anything attempting to attack it with natural weapons will suffer 14d4+28 points of damage with each attack, and the attacker might contract the virus which will turn it into Zugaikotsu as well.
Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the Goriate can move up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. The Goriate merely has to move over the opponents in its path. The Goriate does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can make a REF save (DC 20) for half damage. If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling Goriate due to the creature’s movement. The Goriate can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round.
Kushi Combatant CR 3 XP 800
Neutral Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft..; Perception +8
Defense HP 40
EAC: 12; KAC: 17
Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +4
Defensive Abilities: DR 3 against all physical attacks, acid explosion, spiked body; Immunities: Acid
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Bite +12 (2d3+6 half P, half Acid Crit bleed 1d4), or two claws +8 (2d4+6 S Crit bleed 1d6)
Offensive Abilities: Acid spit
Str +3; Dex +0; Con +4; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +13
Other Abilities: Fresh meat, infection
Languages: None
Environment: Anywhere
Organization: Solitary, small groups (1d4)
Special Abilities
Acid Explosion (Ex): If the creature takes more than 10 points of piercing damage from a single attack, it will explode in a shower of acid. This has an 20 foot area of effect, and anyone caught in the area must make a Ref save (DC 12) or suffer 2d4+6 points of acid damage. A successful save indicates half damage.
Acid Spit (Ex): The Kushi are capable of spitting vile stomach acids at targets. This is a ranged attack in a 15 foot cone. Anything caught in the area of effect must make a Ref save (DC 12) or suffer 2d4+6 points of acid damage. A successful save indicates half damage. The creature can use this ability up to 4 times per day.
Fresh meat (Ex): As a full round action, the Zugaikotsu’s can emit a piercing scream which is for all intent and purposes a dinner bell. Any Zugaikotsu’s within 1 mile will come running towards the location at their full movement speed.
Infection (Ex): The Kushi’s body is filled with a genetically engineered virus. Any time a victim takes physical damage from the creature, they must make a Fort save (DC 12) or become infected with the virus. Even the acid attacks carry the virus and the subject must make a saving throw! The virus works quickly. Each hour the victim will lose 1d3 points of Wisdom and once the score reaches zero, they will become savage animals with minimal intellect. They will only seek to infect others and feed. Also after infection has set in, the body of the victim will begin to show abnormal bone growth, with the bones coming out from the flesh of the victim. In 48 hours the victim will be covered from head to foot in the growths, gaining a natural damage reduction against all physical attacks, and a significant armor casing. If the victim is treated with any type of medicine or magic which cures disease, the virus will be destroyed and the lost Wisdom will return at the standard rate. Note that 1 in 10 victims will turn into the Kushi variant, the rest become Zugaikotsu.
Spiked Body (Ex): The creature has jagged bone spurs covering its body, and as such anything attempting to attack it with natural weapons will suffer 1d4+2 points of damage with each attack, and the attacker might contract the virus which will turn it into Zugaikotsu as well.
Zugaikotsu Combatant CR 2 XP 600
Neutral Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft..; Perception +12
Defense HP 25
EAC: 13; KAC: 18
Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +3
Defensive Abilities: DR 3 against all physical attacks, spiked body
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Bite +11 (1d4+5 P Crit bleed 1d3), or two claws +7 (1d6+5 S Crit bleed 1d4)
Str +3; Dex +0; Con +4; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +12
Other Abilities: Fresh meat, infection
Languages: None
Environment: Anywhere
Organization: Solitary, small groups (1d4), medium groups (2d6), large groups (4d10) or hoards (10d12)
Special Abilities
Fresh meat (Ex): As a full round action, the Zugaikotsu’s can emit a piercing scream which is for all intent and purposes a dinner bell. Any Zugaikotsu’s within 1 mile will come running towards the location at their full movement speed.
Infection (Ex): The Zugaikotsu’s body is filled with a genetically engineered virus. Any time a victim takes physical damage from the creature, they must make a Fort save (DC 11) or become infected with the virus. The virus works quickly. Each hour the victim will lose 1d3 points of Wisdom and once the score reaches zero, they will become savage animals with minimal intellect. They will only seek to infect others and feed. Also after infection has set in, the body of the victim will begin to show abnormal bone growth, with the bones coming out from the flesh of the victim. In 48 hours the victim will be covered from head to foot in the growths, gaining a natural damage reduction against all physical attacks, and a significant armor casing. If the victim is treated with any type of medicine or magic which cures disease, the virus will be destroyed and the lost Wisdom will return at the standard rate.
Spiked Body (Ex): The creature has jagged bone spurs covering its body, and as such anything attempting to attack it with natural weapons will suffer 1d4+2 points of damage with each attack, and the attacker might contract the virus which will turn it into Zugaikotsu as well.
Critters (Eaters) Combatant CR 1/2 XP 200
Chaotic evil tiny monstrous humanoid
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft..; Perception +9
Defense HP 13
EAC: 12; KAC: 12
Fort: +2; Ref: +4; Will: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Bite +7 (1d6 P), or two claws +3 (1d4 S)
Ranged: Spines +7 (1d3 P plus toxin)
Space: 2.5., Reach: 5
Offensive Abilities Paralytic dart
Str +0; Dex +2; Con +3; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +4, engineering +9
Other Abilities: Ball of doom
Languages: Common (understand only) and Critter
Environment: Anywhere
Organization: Medium packs (2d8), large packs (4d8), invasion hoards (10d12)
Special Abilities
Ball of Doom (Ex): What makes them extremely dangerous is that when there are more than 25, they can combine their bodies together to create a massive rolling ball. There is no limit to how large the ball grows, but for every 25 creatures in the ball, the size increases by 10 feet and the range by 5 feet. Damage (see below) is likewise doubled. This requires 1d4 full rounds to complete, and the creatures are incapable of attacking during this time. The ball becomes a large creature with a size of 10 feet but only a 5 foot reach, and has a number of hit points equal to the number of critters multiplied by 13. So if a ball has 25 critters, it has 325 hit points. This ball has a movement rate of 60 ft. per round. Anything that is caught in its path must make a Reflex save (DC 13) or be literally eaten down to the bone, killed instantly, as their body is drawn into the ball and consumed. Even those who save will still suffer 5d6 P damage. The ball can withstand a great deal of punishment before breaking apart. After it has suffered half its total hit points in damage, the ball must make a Will save (DC 15) or it will instantly break apart into individual Critters. Each time it takes more than 13 points of damage on each succeeding round, the save check goes up by 1 until it finally fails and the ball splits apart.
Paralytic Dart (Ex): The critters have a series of small dart-like spines on their backs. As a standard action, the creature can shoot one of these darts at a target within 30 feet. If the dart hit, it inflicts 1d3 P damage plus the target requires a Fort save (DC 9) or become paralyzed for 2d3 rounds.
Ass Blaster Combatant CR 6 XP 2,400
Neutral medium aberration (Earth)
Init +9; Senses Blindsense (Vibration) 60 ft. Blindsense (thermal) 200 ft.; Perception +13
Defense HP 90
EAC: 18; KAC: 20
Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +7
Defensive Abilities: DR 6 against all physical attacks; Immunities: Any earth-based attacks, fire
Weakness: Explosive vulnerability
Speed: 30 ft.; 240 (average) fly
Melee Bite +16 (1d10+9 P), or Tongue strike +16 (1d6+9 P) or stomp +16 (1d8+9 B Crit knockdown)
Space: 5 ft., Reach: 10 ft. (tongue only)
Offensive Abilities Fly-by +16 (2d4+9) launch, leaping attack, run down
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +2; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +18, athletics +13, survival +13
Feats: Improved initiative
Other Abilities: Call to Dinner
Languages: None
Environment Plains, desert, hills
Organization Small packs (1d4) or medium packs (2d6)
Special Abilities
Explosive Vulnerability (Ex): As tough as these creatures are, they are vulnerable to explosive attacks. They take an additional 50% damage (round to nearest) from any explosive-type weapon. Furthermore, they must make a Will save (DC 10+ damage inflicted) or be forced to flee at their maximum speed for 1d6 rounds.
Fly-by (Ex): The creature is able to use its strong wing-like structures to hit opponents in combat. After a successful strike, the target must make a Reflex save (DC 14) or lose 5 feet of altitude per point of damage inflicted. This could cause the target to crash into the ground, if it was close to the surface when the attack happened. If the target was already on the surface, if the save fails, the target is knocked prone.
Launch (Ex): In order to take flight, the creature must leap from a structure or cliff that is at least 10 feet in height. Otherwise it has to mix chemicals in its rear, which requires a full round action, before it can launch itself into the air. It can also use this as an attack. The jet of flame it uses to launch into the air is a 15 ft. cone, and anyone directly behind the creature must immediately make a Ref save (DC 14) or suffer 2d8+6 points of thermal damage. If the save is successful, half damage is sustained. At launch, the creature has to move its maximum flight speed.
Leaping attack (Ex): As a full round action, the creature can move up to twice its maximum movement speed and leap straight up in the air. The creature can leap up to 30 feet by initiating this attack, as long as it has had at least 30 feet travel distance. It can use its bite at the end of the charge, but not its snake-like tongue.
Run Down (Ex): Instead of leaping, the creature can instead choose to rush at a target. This acts as a standard charge attack, and if the attack hits, the creature deals 2d4+7 B damage and the target must make a Reflex save (DC 14) or be knocked prone.
Shrieker Combatant CR 4 XP 1,200
Neutral medium aberration (Earth)
Init +5; Senses Blindsense (Vibration) 120 ft. Blindsense (thermal) 60 ft.; Perception +10
Defense HP 50
EAC: 16; KAC: 18
Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +5
Defensive Abilities: DR 4 against all physical attacks; Immunities: Any earth-based attacks
Weakness: Explosive vulnerability
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee Bite +12 (1d10+7 P), or Tongue strike +12 (1d6+7 P) or stomp +12 (1d8+7 B Crit knockdown)
Space: 5 ft., Reach: 10 ft. (tongue only)
Offensive Abilities Leaping bite, run down
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +1; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +15, survival +10
Other Abilities: Call to Dinner
Languages: None
Environment Plains, desert, hills
Organization Small packs (1d4) or medium packs (2d6)
Special Abilities
Call to dinner (Ex): As a full round action, the Shrieker can emit a piercing scream which is for all intent and purposes a dinner bell. Any Shriekers, Graboids or Ass-blasters within 1 mile will come running towards the location at their full movement speed.
Explosive Vulnerability (Ex): As tough as these creatures are, they are vulnerable to explosive attacks. They take an additional 50% damage (round to nearest) from any explosive-type weapon. Furthermore, they must make a Will save (DC 10+ damage inflicted) or be forced to flee at their maximum speed for 1d6 rounds.
Leaping attack (Ex): As a full round action, the creature can move up to twice its maximum movement speed and leap straight up in the air. The creature can leap up to 30 feet by initiating this attack, as long as it has had at least 30 feet travel distance. It can use its bite at the end of the charge, but not its snake-like tongues.
Run Down (Ex): Instead of leaping, the creature can instead choose to rush at a target. This acts as a standard charge attack, and if the attack hits, the creature deals 2d4+7 B damage and the target must make a Reflex save (DC 13) or be knocked prone.
Graboid Combatant CR 10 XP 9,600
Neutral huge aberration (Earth)
Init +2; Senses Blindsense (Vibration) 240 ft.; Perception +24
Defense HP 165
EAC: 23; KAC: 25
Fort: +12; Ref: +12; Will: +11
Defensive Abilities: DR 14 against all physical attacks; Immunities: Any earth-based attacks
Weakness: Explosive vulnerability
Speed: 50 ft. (Burrow)
Melee Bite +22 (2d12+20 P) or three tongue strikes +18 (2d6+18 P)
Space: 15 ft., Reach: 25 ft.
Offensive Abilities Leaping bite, swallow whole, tongue grapple
Str +8; Dex +2; Con +4; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +19, survival +19, stealth +19
Languages: None
Environment Plains, desert, hills
Organization Small packs (1d4), medium packs (2d6), large packs, (3d8) major infestations (6d10)
Special Abilities
Explosive Vulnerability (Ex): As tough as these creatures are, they are vulnerable to explosive attacks. They take an additional 50% damage (round to nearest) from any explosive-type weapon. Furthermore, they must make a Will save (DC 10+ damage inflicted) or be forced to flee at their maximum speed for 1d6 rounds.
Leaping bite (Ex): As a full round action, the creature can move up to twice its maximum movement speed and leap straight out of the ground. The creature can leap up to 50 feet by initiating this attack, as long as it has had at least 50 feet travel distance. It can use its bite at the end of the charge, but not its snake-like tongues.
Swallow whole (Ex): The creature is able to potentially swallow whole any creature it bites which is at least one category size smaller. See page 156-157 of the Alien Archive for more information.
Tongue Grapple (Ex): The Graboid is able to use its tongues in order to grapple a target, allowing it to swallow whole. See page 246 of the Starfinder core book for more about grappling.
Type: Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: 20 times the power score in feet
Duration: Half the power score in minutes
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus power score per hour.
Hemophilia (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Type: Physical
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus the power score modifier per month.
Seasonal Hibernation (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Chemical Gland, Adaptive
Type: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Three plus power score modifier times per 24 hours.
Entropy Field
Type: Mental
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: 10 plus twice the power score in feet, centered on the mutant.
Duration: Power score in rounds
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: One plus power score modifier times per 24 hours.
Entropy Field (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Half the power score in feet.
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Cerebral Paralysis
Type: Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Line of sight
Duration: 1d8 plus power score modifier in rounds
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus power score modifier per hour.
Hampered Wound Closure (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: Constant
Type: Physical, Plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Touch
Duration: Constant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: +1 per power score modifier (minimum 0)
Uses: Constant
Rotting Flesh (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Chemical Gland
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Three plus power score modifier times per 24 hours.
Emotional Disconnection (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Cellular Repair Aura
Type: Mental
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Power score in feet
Duration: Instant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus power score modifier per hour.
Fluctuating Genetic Code (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: See description
Duration: See description
AI Recognition: None
Damage: Potential, see description
Uses: Constant
Circulatory Control
Type: Physical
Frequency: Very Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant