New BASH-SF Datafile - Rhoark, Marauder Warlord, for Knights-Marshal of the Commonwealth!

Rhoark, a particularly large and vicious Ghwon, has risen to command a sizable horde of Marauders. The rank of Zhar-gath indicates that he has managed to intimidate, cajole, reward or brutalize enough brigands, pyschopaths, and ne'er-do-wells to crew up to a dozen of his ships.
No Zhar has absolute command of his followers, because the nature of marauders, singly or in bands, is to refute any form of authority. Still Rhoark might be able to lead as many as a thousand killers if he needed to. He has done it on one occasion, in 827, when his fleet surprised a colony ship convoy with Knights-Marshal escort to the unsettled world Ankyra. The loss of all colonists and Knights-Marshal went unreported until one of the captured Courser patrol craft was destroyed on attacking a Sagati Hold-Ship months later. The Knights-Marshal assigned to the escort are presumed dead. The fate of the colonists remains unknown.
One Knight-Marshal, Ser Rone of Blackmarsh, has sword to bring Rhoark to justice, largely motivated by the loss of his wife, Ser Magrite the White.
Art is 'Troll' by the rightly famous Brom. Rhoark is shown holding the severed head of a sithik monstrosity of some sort.