Moth Touch: A Threadbare Spell for Pathfinder

Let those who know clothing be nude at the touch of the moth-thing!
School transmutation; Level druid 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, MF (an empty moth's cocoon)
Range touch
Target one nonmagical object made of cloth or one bolt of fabric
Duration see text
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Any any item made of woven fabric you touch tatters and frays into scant threats. Magic items made of cloth are immune to this spell.
You may employ moth touch in combat with a successful melee touch attack. Moth touch used in this way instantaneously destroys 1d6 points of AC gained from cloth armor (to the maximum amount of protection the armor offers) through deterioration.
Against creatures made of cloth (e.g., scarecrows, certain animated objects, etc.) , moth touch instantaneously deals 2d6 points of damage + 1 per caster level (maximum +10) per successful attack. The spell lasts for 1 round per level, and you can make one melee touch attack per round.