Magical Acupuncture Needles

Acupuncture Needles
Monks have used these needles to heal all manner of injury and treat various ailments. Working with wizards and clerics, monks have discovered ways to use the needles to treat magically inflicted ailments as well. It typically requires one minute to apply the needles, and once this has been accomplished, the effects will occur. Typically the needles can only be used once every 24 hours, and there are no negative effects for using multiple types of needles. The magical enchantment on the needles does not wear off so they can be used again and again. Note that anyone can use these acupuncture needles.
Acupuncture Needles
Monks have used these needles to heal all manner of injury and treat various ailments. Working with wizards and clerics, monks have discovered ways to use the needles to treat magically inflicted ailments as well. It typically requires one minute to apply the needles, and once this has been accomplished, the effects will occur. Typically the needles can only be used once every 24 hours, and there are no negative effects for using multiple types of needles. The magical enchantment on the needles does not wear off so they can be used again and again. Note that anyone can use these acupuncture needles.
- Acupuncture needles of Chi Restoration
Price: 22,400 Aura: Moderate Conjuration (CL): 7th Weight: 1 lb.
Monks often have to deal with undead of many sorts, anything from ghouls to zombies and ghosts. Quite a few of the undead they must fight are capable of draining levels from the monk. These needles will restore all ability damage, as well up to one permanent negative level due to the drain of the undead. Note that this can only be accomplished once per day, and using the needles requires one hour of work. If the work is interrupted, the benefits are lost for that day.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, restoration or greater restoration Cost: 11,200
- Acupuncture needles of Free Body
Price: 4,800 Aura: Faint conjuration (CL): 3rd Weight: 1 lb.
Using these needles will remove the effects of any type of paralysis inflicted upon the victim, be it spell, poison or by other means. Furthermore, the victim is likewise immune to the effects of paralysis for the next 24 hours.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, Remove Paralysis Cost: 2,400
- Acupuncture needles of Hale Heart
Price: 36,800 Aura: Faint conjuration (CL): 3rd Weight: 1 lb.
These needles will heal 2d8+3 points of damage and render the user immune to the effects of fear for the next 24 hours. Lastly this type of needle will heal 1d4 points of Constitution damage. Unlike other types of needles, these require ten minutes to activate.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, calm emotions, cure moderate wounds, restoration (lesser) Cost: 18,400
- Acupuncture needles of Healing
Price: 52,800 Aura: Moderate conjuration (CL): 11th Weight: 1 lb.
These needles will heal the user for 110 points of damage, as well as all ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and stunned.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, heal Cost: 26,400
- Acupuncture needles of Morality Balance
Price: 43,200 Aura: Moderate abjuration (CL): 9th Weight: 1 lb.
These needles can be used to negate the effects of a spell or spell-like ability or device that would change the alignment of the target. As soon as the needles have been placed, the user’s alignment is instantly switched back to what it originally was. Also the user’s true alignment cannot be detected by spell or other means for the next 24 hours.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, Atonement, Misdirection Cost: 21,600
- Acupuncture needles of Pain Removal
Price: 18,000 Aura: Faint abjuration (CL): 3rd Weight: 1 lb.
By tapping into the energy lines, the needles can change and even re-direct pain. This will instantly heal the user for 2d8+3 points of damage and any detrimental effects caused by pain, fatigue or exhaustion will be removed. This can also counter the negative effects of spells that would have the same manner off effect and renders the user immune to any pain effects for 24 hours.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, Cure Moderate Wounds, Delay Pain Cost: 9,000
- Acupuncture needles of the Pure Body
Price: 33,200 Aura: Moderate conjuration (CL): 7th Weight: 1 lb.
This type of needle will instantly cure any poison or disease (including lycanthrope) the target happens to be suffering from. Furthermore, the user is immune to both disease and poison for the next 24 hours.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease Cost: 16,600
- Acupuncture needles of the Senses
Price: 18,000 Aura: Moderate conjuration (CL): 5th Weight: 1 lb.
A single use will heal any and all types of sensory loss such as sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch – however it will not regenerate any lost organs such as eyes! The victim is also immune to the effects of spells or abilities which would affect any of the senses for the next 24 hours.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, Remove Blindness / Deafness Cost: 9,000
- Acupuncture needles of the True Form
Price: 36,000 Aura: Moderate abjuration (CL): 9th Weight: 1 lb.
These can be used on anyone who has been stricken by a shapeshift or polymorph spell or spell-like attack. The user will revert to their true form after 1d6 minutes once the needles have been applied.
Construction requirements: Craft wondrous item, Break Enchantment Cost: 18,000