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Harekin in 5E: People Long of Ear & Stride

Harekin are a prolific people who share all the noblest traits of the common rabbit. Long of ear, long of stride, and fierce defenders of their homesteads, harekin shift from one extreme to another faster than a nose twitch as the moment suits them. In times of war a harekin is just as likely to flee as fight, but in either case their attacker is is left stunned by the speed of their feet, whether they are running away in a gout of dust or crushing the aggressor’s nose with a lightning-swift kick to the face.

Harekin families are prolific and twins and triplets are common. A given family lives in an ever-expanding subterranean home similar to a traditional halfling house in most respects, but with bare earthen floors and few external windows, doors, or chimneys to distinguish the burrow from the surrounding wilderness. Harekin prefer to homestead in open grasslands near a large body of water where fishing is plentiful.

The two principal deities of the harekin are Mother-Mother and Father-Father. According to legend these gods of fertility, stamina, and cunning birthed the first litter of harekin, and all harekin trace their linage to these two beings. From their droppings did all the plants of the world grow and from their burrowing did the floodwaters of the primordial world drain away, providing the land on which the plants grow. They taught their children the secret of reincarnation, for both used it to escape death at the hands of mightier gods many times.


Harekin do not distinguish between masculine and feminine names. Instead, they are named for a dominant personality trait or action they are known to perform with skill. A harekin may change their name several times over their lifetime as they mature, gain renown for new deeds, and as the mood suits them. To signify that a given word is a harekin’s name it is always spoken twice in rapid succession. Common harekin names include: Run-Run, Crush-Crush, Stab-Stab, Bon-Bon, Grim-Grim, Huff-Huff, etc.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.

Age. Harekin have lifespans slightly shorter than humans.

Alignment. Harekin tend toward chaotic alignments, letting their whims and instincts guide them. Though rarely outright evil, their carefree natures strike other people are careless, often to the point of malice. While under duress a harekin is just as likely to fight as to flee,

Size. Harekin are more compact on average than humans, but their ears often give them an extra foot on height.

Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet.

Ear To The Ground. When holding perfectly still you have advantage on hearing-based Perception checks.

Bunny Hop. Your jump distance is determined by your Dexterity instead of your Strength. When you make a long jump, you only need to cover 5 feet on foot before you jump. Your high jump distance is 3 + your Dexterity modifier.

Rabbit Run. Your reflexes and agility allow you to move with a burst of speed. When you move on your turn in combat, you can triple your speed until the end of your turn. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Rabbit’s Resourcefulness. You are proficient with Acrobatics and Nature.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. The harekin have developed a special language called thump-thump, a percussive code beaten out on tunnel walls, hollow logs, and drums. Thump-thump is both rapid and musical, and it can communicate a surprising amount of information in a few short moments.

You may have noticed something different about the look of this article. Instead of illustrating it myself I've asked Kitty Faulhaber to provide artwork for the harekin. In many ways they are her creation. Were it not for her request to play a rabbit barbarian in a recent D&D campaign I never would have written up the harekin and all the lore that goes with them. Check out her other work, buy a commission or two when they are open, and ask about a print while you're at it.