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Feat: Gaydar


A character with this feat is adept at determining the sexual orientation of other people. While such information is likely to be as irrelevant in the game as it is in reality, characters with this ability are generally determined to use it as often as possible and are convinced that the information it provides is very important. 

Gaydar [General]

A character with this feat is adept at determining the sexual orientation of other people. While such information is likely to be as irrelevant in the game as it is in reality, characters with this ability are generally determined to use it as often as possible and are convinced that the information it provides is very important. 

Prerequisite: Sense Motive 5 ranks. 

Benefit: If he observes another character in action for at least a minute, a character with Gaydar can make a Sense Motive check at +4 with a DC equal to 10 plus the target's Bluff modifier. If he succeeds, he can accurately tell whether the observed character is straight, gay, or bisexual. If he fails he will be uncertain, and if he fails critically he will get a convincing false result. 

Special:  If the sexual orientation of a character targeted by this feat has no bearing on game play — which is probably actually likely to be the case most of the time — the DM is entitled to simply tell the character with Gaydar that the results of their observations are irrelevant. 

Normal: Normal people should not be so interested in other people's business.