Crafty Lives of Kos

Crafty Lives of Kos

When our partners at Skirmisher Publishing released the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting, a few NPCs were left on the cutting room floor. Here they rise again! In the grand tradition of Cursed Lives of Kos, we present Cynara the seamstress, a craftswoman with a unique set of skills and an exclusive clientele.

Cynara the Seamstress

At the end of Copper Street rests the small shop of Cynara the seamstress. A faded sign hangs over a water damaged door with rusty hinges. Poorly made clothes hang limply off improperly proportioned mannequins behind sooty windows. If anyone thought to play the dingy shop any mind they might wonder how its proprietress turns a profit, but most people with enough sense to earn an honest coin take their business elsewhere. This is just what Cynara prefers.

Unknown to most, Cynara is the most talented seamstress in Kos City, and possibly the entire Aegean. However, Cynara only plies her needle and thread for a very exclusive clientele; the greatest assassins and thieves in the known world. Cynara’s garments can conceal any weapon, or sculpt the body of the wearer to match the profile of another. Her hidden pockets and pouches can hold a small fortune in coins or enough poisoned darts to dispatch a palace full of courtiers.

The Guild of Beggars, Guides, Locksmiths, & Exterminators occasionally puts pressure on Cynara to abandon her other clients and work exclusively for their members, but thus far the cunning seamstress has used her contacts among other criminal organizations to keep the Guild at bay. It remains to be seen how long Cynara can maintain her status as an independent operator in the Aegean underworld.

Druid Blood Magic

Druid Blood Magic

Runequest Thursday #44 - 1d8 Magical Treasures for your Runequest Games!

Runequest Thursday #44 - 1d8 Magical Treasures for your Runequest Games!