Contents Confidential: A Secret Spell for Pathfinder

Contents Confidential: A Secret Spell for Pathfinder


Are the contents of this letter meant for your eyes only?


School transmutation; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2

Casting Time 1 minutes

Components V, S, M (specially prepared wax)

Range touch

Target page or envelope touched, up to 1 sq. ft. in size

Duration permanent

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Contents confidential enchants a single sheet of paper or an envelope so that its contents can only be read by a specific individual chosen by the caster at the time of casting. The caster must be able to name the intended recipient or form a clear picture of the recipient in their mind. At the end of the casting, the paper/envelope must be sealed in wax. If the seal is broken by anyone other than the intended recipient, the paper is immediately consumed in a burst of otherwise harmless fire. In the case of envelopes, the contents are consumed in the fire as well.



Chapter XIII: Hajji Baba Leaves Meshed, is Cured of his Sprain and Relates a Story with a Moral.

Chapter XIII: Hajji Baba Leaves Meshed, is Cured of his Sprain and Relates a Story with a Moral.