Brownjacket (Chaps & Apps/5th Edition D&D)
Following is an entry for the Brownjacket, a common sort of NPC encountered in Chaps & AppsTM (C&ATM), a sci-fi Western game that is an unofficial variant on the 5th Edition D&D rules.
Brownjackets are mediocre quasi-adventurers who take their name from the ugly, shapeless, brown overgarments they favor, but this is also a double entendre that refers to a species of roach-like insect that dwells within and subsists entirely on other creatures' feces. Brownjackets typically fancy themselves independence fighters in an imagined war, defenders of the weak, or other sorts of heroes. Unbeknownst to them, however, they are encouraged in their escapades by the central government on Earth as a device for combating overpopulation on the home planet by sending them out the frontier where they can die of misfortune.
Brownjackets typically fancy themselves independence fighters in an imagined war, defenders of the weak, or other sorts of heroes, and they sometimes even identify themselves as Cowboys, Gunslingers, or members of other classes (and they do sometimes end up serving as the lackeys of such characters). Unbeknownst to them, however, they are encouraged in their escapades by the central government on Earth as a device for combating overpopulation on the home planet by sending them out the frontier where they can die of misfortune.