BASH Sci Fi Datafile for Knights-Marshal of the Commonwealth - Saaren Bio-Assassin

BASH Sci Fi Datafile for Knights-Marshal of the Commonwealth - Saaren Bio-Assassin


This little fellow was found after failing to assassinate the Tyrant of the Great Moons of Pallissey - Jhyun Zharn, a powerful and ancient Sagati duelist and megalomaniac.

The PC Knights-Marshal, having traveled to the capital of Pallissey, the Megalopolis called Sunset Destiny, stopped a Mandragoran plot to addict millions to a horrible and deadly drug that turned them berserk before destroying their bodies. In the aftermath, they decided that the Tyrant needed to know about this plot, and that there might be others in the works. So they went to visit his massive fortress/palace pyramid, and applied for an appointment. After waiting for two days, they were finally escorted to their meeting, when the entire palace went on Lockdown. The Heroes were trying to figure out a way out, when they were retrieved and escorted into the Tyrant's presence, to be shown the body of a heavily bio-engineered Saaren, its attempt to assassinate Jhyun Zharn foiled - barely. 

Since one of the Knights-Marshal is also Saaren and an ex-slave of the Mandragoran, the heroes were in a unique position. So they have been extended every aid that the Tyrant can offer, to track down the Mandragoran plotters in the Pallissey system. After investigating, they tracked the Mandragoran Intellect that fled from the destruction of its synthetic body. See, Mandragoran are capable of transferring their intellect into, and out of, specially prepared synthetic or organic vessels. The one that was masterminding the plot to addict the population of Sunset Destiny, transmitted its intellect out at the final moment.

Which has taken to the Knights-Marshal to Ymir, an Ice Moon also in orbit around Pallissey - the target of the transmission. The only inhabitants on record are semi-autonomous industrial mining synths that bore through hundreds of feet of ice to extract rare metals from the substrate. The investigation will continue, and probably get messier, next session.

So here I provide you with the Datafile for the Saaren assassin that failed to kill Jhyun Zharn. He has been heavily augmented for speed, stealth and lethality, and his venom has been tailored to be extremely deadly to the Sagati. The Mandragoran have equally lethal cocktails for a number of Commonwealth races. I included a Pair of Tensor Knives in the assassin's equipment, but he was not carrying these for this infiltration, in order to bypass metal and power detection in the security system.


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