Alter Flavor: A Nuisance Spell for Pathfinder

School transmutation; Level alchemist 0, bard 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 0, witch 1
Casting Time 1 minute
Components S, M (a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar, a drop of vinegar, and a lemon rind)
Range 10 ft.
Target one consumable object of up to 1 lb./level
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance: yes (harmless, object)
This spell allows you to change the flavor of any consumable object. Sour gruel can be made to taste like a hearty curry, savory pastries can be made to taste like horse dung, and the juiciest stake can be made to taste like mint iced cream, should the caster desire. The only limitation to this spell's effect is that the caster must have tasted whatever flavor she wishes the spell to impart.
Alter flavor has many applications, from concealing the taste of poison in food to making iron trail rations palatable, as well as limitless possibilities in the realm of practical jokes. The GM is the final arbiter of what is considered a consumable object for the purpose of this spell.