Zombies! New and Original Mutants! And of Course the Usual!

Zombies! New and Original Mutants! And of Course the Usual!


At the rate I’m going, I will have both the New Mutant Monday and the Entertainment mutant’s finished at pretty much the same time! As many of you already know, my goal is to have 100 new creatures for New Mutant Monday and 300 for the Entertainment mutant books that will be published by Skirmisher.

I made one little change – I intend on writing 104 New Mutant creatures, and that way I will have exactly two per week. As long as I keep this up, you can expect an annual compilation of these mutants in time (cross your fingers) for Comicpalooza.

Will I continue my Entertainment conversions? Probably, maybe. I can’t say for certain. I might work on something entirely new, but I have yet to decide exactly what it will be.

As of today I have written 92 new creatures. I wrote and posted 4 last week, and I will be doing the same each week until I hit 104.  Speaking of, here are the new creatures I wrote and posted last week - Fengchao Xinshen, Haidai, Rongu Ago, and the Tara Fukuro.

Tomorrow four new entries will be posted.

And as you have already seen, the conversions have likewise continued unabated. I concentrated mainly on creatures from the Resident Evil series of games, but also wrote up some familiar zombies for your OSR games. We have the Sprinter Zombie, Intelligent Zombie, Nemesis Zombie, Exposed Zombie, and the Tyrant Zombie.

And that’s not all.

I even posted a new short story. This is called ‘Choices’ and it is the second in a series of interconnected stories that I wrote using the same characters. I won’t deny it – the series of stories is really all about the relationship between a father and his adoptive daughter, and what he would do to protect her and how much he loves her. The main characters are named Ronnath and Cheonsa, and to be blunt, all other characters are secondary, at best.

I  have two more that are complete and will be posted over the next few weeks. One is called ‘Waking Nightmare’ and the other is ‘Forlorn Soul’. Each will undergo at least one full edit before I post them, so don’t expect them every Friday night as you had when I was still writing ‘Buck Who?’.

Speaking of writing, I am working on Chapter 3 of my zombie novel ‘The Escape’. I am not sure if I will begin working on chapter 4 tomorrow or if I will instead write a 5th short story based on the characters I described above.

That is a bit of an issue with me – when I get hit with a story idea, I occasionally have to drop what I am currently working on in order to pound it out.

As I am apt to say, we shall see if this happens or not.

Now in order to get some extra promotion in, I have decided to post some of my work on Fanfiction.net as well as on my deviantart account. This might come as a surprise to many of those who favorite my work on Fanfiction.net, since I have not actually used that account since 2002.

Still it is a great way to get more people to see and read my work!

The fellas had their usual weekly podcast, and this time they discussed campaign settings. I really wish that I didn’t have training on Thursdays… I would love to participate in more podcasts. As it stands I can only participate a couple of times a year.

And although it is a week late, I finished ‘Tales from the Radiation Age’ by Jason Sheeshan. If you want my honest view, (and why wouldn’t you? Would you prefer that I lie?)  I really did not care for the novel. It was too damn strange! Nanotech, alternate dimensions, redactions, dinosaurs and mutants and bioengineering… tried to do too much all at once. Yes I finally was able to figure out what caused the apocalypse, but it was still pretty damned vague. I have to give it a average rating and I honestly doubt I’ll read any more that are published. Just not my thing – but that doesn’t mean it won’t be your thing!

I also finished watching the first season of ‘Killjoys’. This SF original series is about a small team of bounty hunters called RAC’s or better known as Killjoys. There is an overall story to the first 10 episode season and it intrigued me enough to watch it all the way through and to continue to watch it when season 2 finally premiers.

Now I’m watching season 2 of the Last Ship and after that – probably either Dark Matter or Helix.

I typically only mention new releases and the podcast from the Skirmisher site, but the past week both William Thrasher and Michael Varhola have been as prolific as I have been when it comes to posting new material. William has been working on new spells for Pathfinder, while Michael has been posting a new 5th edition monster every night. All are based on Ethiopian creatures and can you say that there will be a sourcebook in the offing?

I knew you could!

As you could and should expect, both offerings are well worth your time to read.

And what kind of team player would I be if I didn’t mention Clint Staple’s great material for BASH and Runequest?

And that’s it for this week.

As always, please follow me on Twitter (800+ followers now) and like my personal Author Facebook page!

The art used for this blog was provided by my friend and most excellent artist Alfonso Maesa. It depicts Tara, from Buck Who?

It’s nearly the end of January, and that means spring is all that much closer! C’mon folks, you can make it!

New Mutant Monday #89 - Big Horners

New Mutant Monday #89 - Big Horners

Infectious Bolt: A Disease Spell for Pathfinder

Infectious Bolt: A Disease Spell for Pathfinder