Work done for hire, Harbinger Down, and two more projects complete

Finally finished the article for D-Infinity. The Eight Immortals is ready to be sent to Mike for his editing, although I guess I’ll be holding off doing that until after he returns from his trip.
So that means I will be getting back to working on the greatly expanded weapons book, and I have decided that I will be adding issue 1 for sure, and maybe issue 50. And on top of it, I’m toying with writing up a chart for each type of weapon to use when it comes to critical hits, since I included that in my optional combat rules.
We shall see, it’s a lot of work just adding the new material as it stands, if I go too far, it’ll be a year before this book is complete.
Speaking of a year, originally I had wanted to write my epic ‘Buck Who?’ for a full year. I did not quite achieve that goal, falling a month short. Still I will be continuing to write once the last chapter has been posted, but on short stories and other projects, including the massive re-write of my two zombie novels. Once that is complete, off to find an agent.
It’s funny, thinking about that. Is it better to go with an agent and find a traditional publishing house, or should I go the route of so many other authors and self-publish? I have been getting advice from both sides of the argument, as well as reading the pros and cons of both online.
I’ll see about going the traditional route and see if that gets me anywhere. If not… well time will tell.
Back to the epic. I finished Chapter 47 on Thursday and began writing the epilogue on Friday. It’s finally almost done! I should be finished with the epilogue this week and then I can get around to writing the short stories I have been wanting to for some time.
Chapter 44 was posted on time on Friday, for those of you who have been following my epic.
It still amazes me how much material I plan on adding to the compiled weapons book, but then again I want my readers to have a worthwhile product in their hands, not just a simple compilation! After I’m finished posting this I will be writing up one new conversion and then I’ll get to work on the book again.
Speaking of, two new mutants went up last week for New Mutant Monday – the Carnichick and the Tentacle Parasite. Even though this blog is a day late, I will not include the two that I just posted today, they will be highlighted in next week’s blog.
And I realized one thing… most of the creatures I have written up do not have many, or any, mental mutations. I am going to have to change that.
The conversions returned last week as well, with the Controller Ants and the Hoppers. I will also continue to post this week as well. The only way I’m going to hit that 300 mark is by writing them up and posting them after all.
I have several waiting to be written, inspired by posts the various FB pages I frequent, suggested by fans and the like. Expect conversions from the movies Puppet Masters, The Hybrid, Troll Hunter, Black Sheep, The Guardian and food of the gods.
And of course I will be adding a few more from Fallout 4.
I finished a really neat novel last week called Work Done for Hire by Joe Haldeman. This novel is about a wounded Sniper who had become a writer. He is hired by a movie producer to write a novel that will become a movie, based on an idea.
As fate would have it, he is contacted by a mysterious group which sends him a sniper rifle, and money, and tells him he is to shoot a very bad man for $100,000. His morals will not allow this and he tries to go to Homeland Security.
The fun ensues.
I really did enjoy this book and I strongly recommend it to my readers. Oh and the ending really did take me by surprise. I did not see it coming!
Last night my wife and I watched a horror movie called Harbinger Down, starring Lance Henrickson. As always I watched it hoping to be inspired to write up a new conversion, and because I happen to be a fan of Lance.
The Thing was a better movie, truth be told, and this movie was just that, a different take on the creature. It was so similar that I won’t be writing up a conversion after all.
Was it worth my time? Yeah, if you have Netflicks I do believe it’s available through that service. Of course I bought the DVD.
Now for an observation and commentary.
So people are freaking out over the possibility that there are going to be some fucktard terrorists in the Syrian refugees.
The whole situation is horrible; there is no doubt about that. There is a pretty good chance that some of these murdering bastards are going to be mixed in with them, of that there is no doubt as well.
Should Canada and the states take them in? That is a slippery slope.
Hear me out.
Look at the homeless problem in both countries, which is a lot worse down in the states.
Now look at the problem with soldiers. The PTSD, the suicides, the inability for some to integrate back into society. A lot are on the streets, those who need help greatly.
And were created by the war machine that is the US government. Sent into the meat-grinder and returned damaged and in dire need of help.
Take care of your home front problems first, and then help the others. It's like family - we take care of our family first and foremost before we ever consider helping others.
As it should be in this situation.
Think I'm heartless? Go ahead - I'm looking at the bigger picture, the issue that should have been addressed decades ago.
I have a serious issue with beggars and a lot of the so-called homeless are assholes too lazy to get a job because they can make more money that way than working. Take a damn close look at some of these so called 'homeless'. I've seen them wearing expensive clothing, they are clean; there is nothing wrong with them.
Then compare the beggars you typically see at the Walmart and other places to those who are TRULY homeless. The ones that are sleeping in alleys, pushing carts filled with trash, are filthy and clearly have mental issues.
Get those off the street and the help they need, be it medical, mental or help with addictions.
Deal with these people and our wounded vets first.
Then help with the billions of dollars for refugees.
Hate me if you so desire, but that is the big picture that needs to be dealt with first.
And stop the American government from creating more groups like ISIS in their never-ending search for the next enemy of the state to feed the war-mongers.
Commentary / rant over.
That’s it folks. As usual please like my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter.
Less than a month until ‘Force Awakens’ Hits the theater and just over a month until Credit Card day… oops, I mean Christmas.
Stay warm, stay happy and continue to enjoy life!