Tough choices to Make, DCC, and Leviathan Wakes

The year is now half-way finished. Amazing how quickly six months can fly by when you’re not paying attention!
Work on Buck Who? And the Harvesting book continues. I wish I could finish the harvesting book, but the more I work on it, the more I realize needs to be streamlined and fixed.
Sometimes I just wish I could get away with only writing – not all the crunch that is required when it comes to game material.
As for Buck Who? Chapter 25 went up as always on Friday night. And I have come to an important decision when it comes to that novel. I’m going to finish it when it’s finished. That means if the war against the Purists ends in the next few chapters, then so be it.
I need the time to work on my RPG material, and to get my ass in gear and work on the re-write for The Escape and The return.
Once I have begun work on both, they’re going to be cut up into smaller chapters, instead of the huge monsters they currently are. And on top of that, there will be some significant changes made to both before I finally start submitting the work to various agents to get published.
And I can’t do that when I have to write a new chapter every week for Buck Who?
It would have been nice to keep Buck Who? Going for a full year, but I have way too much on my plate as it stands. I need to finish off projects and get to work on the projects which have the greatest potential to make some serious cash – and recognition – for me.
The harvesting book is shaping up. Hell, I’ve been saying that for nearly a month now. I’ve had to go through each entry and read it over for several reasons. To make sure it is smooth and easily understood, and to make sure the various substances are added to the rules.
Work – tons of work.
A couple of things this week. After several months, I was able to participate in the D-Infinity live podcast. If it wasn’t for my training several times per week, I would be able to participate a lot more.
This week was special, it covered Post-Apocalyptic TV shows. A topic like that is exactly what I should be available to participate in. It was a great show, went a little longer than usual but no big deal.
As my readers have come to expect, this week saw two more critters posted for New Mutant Monday – the Oracles and Shivans. A couple of humanoid mutants for your OSR games.
And yes, two more will be posted tomorrow. A Chimera and a damned nasty badger mutant.
Speaking of OSR I ended up picking up a monster of a book this week. It’s the DCC RPG or Dungeon Crawl Classic RPG core book. When I say monster, I mean it’s a friggen monster of a book. Sucker has to weigh about 3 pounds and is 470 pages long. The reason I ended up buying this book is Goodman Games finally announced the upcoming release of Mutant Crawl Classics, a retro Gamma World style game.
It won’t be available until 2016, and they’re pegging it at around 160 pages in length. It’ll be compatible with DDC RPG.
Of course I want all my work to be fully compatible with the game, so more work is going to be required in the future. The upside is this is yet another market I will be able to sell my work in.
I took a little time to go through the book and it looks like a mixture of 1st and 2nd edition with a bit of the 3.5 thrown in for good measure.
Some people might find it cool, but some of the dice the game uses just don’t exist and are bloody strange. D5, D7, D14 Etc. Of course the game describes how to use these strange dice, and at the very least I can easily see how one would use a D5 and D7, but other than that, just weird.
And the game REALLY goes back to the old days were races were classes. The game does not have races. Instead you get to play a wizard, cleric, thief, warrior, Halfling, elf, or Dwarf. That harkens back to the original red box games when I was just beginning high-school.
God am I that old?
Truth be told, I doubt I’d ever play the game. It’s all a matter of personal preferences of course. There are some neat ideas behind the game, that’s for sure. Charts, talk about a ton of charts. Even the spells have charts for different possible effects!
If someone tried to do that for one of the many spell books that have been published for the game, it would be a couple of thousand pages long.
Still, it has a massive following so there are plenty of people who obviously enjoy the game.
I managed to finish a novel called ‘Leviathan Wakes’ by James S.A. Corey. This SF novel has humanity still bound to our solar-system. There are the two core worlds Earth and Mars, as well as the outer belts, inhabited by millions of people eking out a living mining and prospecting.
To make a long story short, alien technology is discovered and enter an evil corporation who is bent on discovering what it can be used for, even if it means the death of millions.
The book engaged me from the start, and I have since discovered it is part of a five book series. I will eventually get around to listening to the rest but I still have quite a few to finish first.
That’s just it, I’m going to finish a lot of books, which have been sitting on my iPod for upwards of a year or more.
And that’s pretty much it for now.
As always, please feel free to like my personal author page on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter. I’m currently just about to break 190 followers on that!
Until next week, peace!