Thundarr, Freeing Up Time, and the Pillars of Reality

As of this blog there is but less than a week until Spring arrives. I know for a lot of my American friends this doesn’t mean much, considering how much snow you’ve been getting, but we’ve been enjoying higher than usual temperatures here in Calgary this winter.
Some places were hit by the T-Rex of winter, others like us, enjoyed one of the mildest winters on record.
This week I finally got around to updating my overdue Wisdom from the Wastelands index. I really fell behind on this project, but now it is up to date, including issue 50.
I also finished the last edit for my Harvesting issues last Sunday after I posted that week’s blog. After talking to Greg, he wants to split up my harvesting issues into as many as three. I really don’t want to do that, so we’re going to bounce the idea off Michael – how about publishing it as a non-Wisdom from the Wastelands sourcebook?
If he’s up for that, I might increase the material available for the book by including harvestable material from my book ‘Creatures of the Tropical Wastes’.
‘Buck Who?’ Chapter 8 was posted this Friday and Chapter 9 is all but finished. I have a single scene to add and need to write ‘Otres’ into another and then it’s complete. I am really thinking of doing that today and then the first edit, so I can spend all week just working on chapter 10.
And yes, I updated the ‘Buck Who?’ Index as well.
Although I’m still trying to decide which project I will work on next… either the skill system for Mutant Future, mutation rules, or finally get off my ass and finish the powered armor and robotics books.
I guess it all hinges on Michael’s view on the harvesting book. If he only wants it as a wftw book, then I’ll work on the Powered Armor. The reason is that way I have two issues already in the queue and ready to go. That gives me about 4 months where I don’t have to deal with writing an issue.
If he will publish it as a separate book though, I will have to finish off a couple of the other issues and get them off to Greg in order to free up writing time for me to work on the other sourcebooks.
Time will tell.
Downside is Skirmisher did not publish any new material this week, so I can’t push anything from my publisher!
I did put up my third Post-Apocalyptic top five lists though. This one covers my top five favorite Post-Apocalyptic TV series (of which at least two of them are still going strong). In my previous week’s blog I talked about a great show called ‘The 100’. I gave it a brief review and of course it ended up on my top five list. I am disappointed I have to wait until the fall to purchase the second season though. I guess I could always use my son’s Netflick’s account and watch it that way.
Next week I will post probably the last Post-Apocalyptic themed list. Again I will not say what it is, you’ll just have to check in on Wednesday evening to see.
My fellow co-author Derek Holland asked why I didn’t include Thundarr the barbarian in my top five. Two reasons – first I totally forgot about it. It was a favorite of mine growing up and one of the reasons I got into Post-Apocalyptic gaming in the first place. The second reason is though I have fond memories of the cartoon, and despite the fact it was my favorite cartoon growing up, it was long since replaced by other shows.
If I do top five cartoon list, I will probably include it then.
Speaking of, here is a link to a free Thundarr The Barbarian sourcebook for Gamma World and Mutant Future.
Since we finished ‘The 100’ last week, I started watching another show called ‘Orphan Black’. Unlike ‘The 100’, this one has yet to grow on me, although I have watched 5 episodes. My wife doesn’t care for it at all, and truth be told I do find it kind of boring. I will finish the first season though and put up my final thoughts at that point in time.
As many of my regular readers know, one of my favorite authors is John Hemry, the writer of the ‘Lost Fleet’ series and spin-offs. He is writing a steampunk series now, called ‘The Pillars of Reality’. Now, I am NOT a fan of Steampunk, at all. I would have completely ignored this series if it was not written by John Hemry.
Did I like it? Yes, enough to continue with it, but that is it. I can’t really recommend it otherwise, as to be perfectly honest the premise has been done many times before. Two guilds hold power over the known world and have been at odds for as long as anyone can remember. They are the Mechanics and the Mages. Both claim the other are nothing by charlatans and tricksters. When a young man and woman from their respective guilds are thrown together, they quickly discover things are not as their elders have always maintained.
Yes, there is a lot more to it than that – a prophecy, romance, and the revelation that instead of progressing, everything seems to be sliding backwards.
Other than what I have already mentioned, no new comics, no new RPG’s to talk about, but there is one topic I will touch upon.
So many American’s feel it is perfectly fine to watch brutal violence, fighting, death and destruction, but have a serious issue with nudity or showing affection.
I’ll use George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones as an example. There are people who watch it and have zero problems with the brutal deaths and other violence, but seriously get bent all out of shape at the nudity or same sex encounters.
Seriously people, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Sex, even if those participating are the same gender, is a beautiful thing, when it is with consenting adults or people who love each other.
The human body, especially the female body, is beautiful.
Seeing a naked person can lead to the creation of life.
So join the 21st century and grow the fuck up! I’d much rather see a naked, beautiful woman than someone getting eaten alive by zombies or having their heads crushed in.
And that is my rant for the week.
Finally I was quite pleased to find the images I am using for this blog waiting for me when I woke up today. It is of Liera, the young Tiefling girl Jaeger, Jarem and Viya end up rescuing from the streets of Kos. It is her trying out her uniform for the first time. The story is called ‘First Day’ and will eventually be posted on the website once ‘Sword of Kos: Dark Inheritance’ is finally published.
From the supremely talented Alfonso Maesa.
As always, please like my personal author Facebook page and follow me on Twitter!
Until next week, Peace!