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Strange Steeds: The Crocodile


Sharp eyed readers may have done a double take at the last animal listed in the “Mounts” section of the Cards & Quest Animal Appendix; the crocodile. No, that's not a joke, but riding a crocodile is a little more complicated than riding a horse...

Crocodile, Large Reptile

Power Level: High
•Physical: 6
•Mental: 2
•Spirit: 3
•HP: 30
•Hand Size: 4
Damage Negation: -5, thick, scaly hide.
Melee Attack: Bite
•Damage: 8 HP + Card Value
•Range: 5ft
Ranged Attack: Tail Lash
•Damage: 3 HP + Card Value
•Range: 10ft
Skill: Advanced Swimming
Skill Check: None
•Crocodiles can swim swiftly and against currents, traveling at 10ft times the value of the played card. They are also able to stay underwater, without surfacing for 2 hours.
ECD: 1
TCD: 0
For boss or named monsters only:
Element: Lake
Combat Action Suit: Spades

Vicious predatory reptiles found in swamps and tropical areas, crocodiles are awkward on other terrain and may suffer movement penalties at the GM's discretion, but are ideal mounts for traversing wetland and aquatic environs. Unlike more conventional steeds, a rideable crocodile cannot be bought from merchants or at the city bazaar. Characters must capture one from the wild and possess a specific skill set required for training, which is limited to those whose primary elements are either Mountain or Thunder. A combination of the Animal Tamer & Advanced Riding (Mountain) or the Mount Bond & Superior Riding (Thunder) skills allow for a character to train and ride a crocodile. The beast will only allow its trainer to ride it and will attack anyone else who attempts to climb upon it. Outside of their native habitats, crocodiles make for poor mounts, becoming sluggish in anything cooler then subtropical weather and dying in extreme cold. While they will eat as often as they can, their slow metabolism can allow them to go for months without eating.

Reminder: Mounts and other animals under your command require a separate “Animal Deck.” All animals under your control draw from this single Animal Deck for the animals Hand Size. Once this second deck is finished, discarded cards are reshuffled at no penalty (similar to a GM deck).