New Blood Mutations

I recently watched Tetsubo's clip on pharm animals: and it made me think of what could extra hearts do for a mutant (pig or other). That got me rolling into mutations that affect the bloodstream. In other words, mutant hearts and bone marrow. So, like the recent posts on plant and physical mutations, here are some new ones based on organ rather than effect, 12 in all.




Multiple Hearts

The mutant has d4+1 hearts spread through out their body. They may be found in the torso, neck or limbs as the extra hearts are smaller than the original, core heart. Each adds 3 hit points and if the mutant has five hearts, their movement rate increases by 30' (10'). If you use a fatigue system, give that a bonus instead of a movement increase.


Multiple Hearts, Squirting

The mutant has one or two extra hearts, one in the torso and one in the throat. They are not active until the mutant takes damage in either place. Then the hearts start to pump a toxic form of blood drawn from the liver. The creature that injured the mutant is sprayed with this blood as long as they are within 5' of the mutant.


Multiple Hearts, Back Up

The mutant has d4+1 hearts spread through out their body. The extra hearts are small and do not pump blood unless the mutant is terribly wounded. If brought down to 0 or less hit points, the mutant may survive. They need to save versus death and with success, the mutant lives, though it takes a week plus three days per hit point below zero of rest to get the mutant back on their feet.


Multiple Hearts, Redirecting

The mutant has d4+2 hearts spread through out their body. The extra hearts allow blood to move to where it is needed most. This gives the mutant a few mutations, but no more than one can be used at the same time. These mutations are Increased Strength, Increased Dexterity, Ability Boost and Quick Mind.


Heart, Empowering

The mutant's heart has some additional tissue that affects the blood. In this case, the blood is supercharged with a form of adrenalin at all times. This cuts the mutant's lifespan by 25% due to the constant wear and tear. It also allows the mutant to react much quicker in all situations. They have a 1 on a d8 chance of being suprised, get first initiative against most opponents (some mutants and machines are faster) and heals at twice the normal rate. The mutant constantly twitches when they have to relax and this may have a penalty to encounter checks.


Heart, Heating

The mutant's heart has some additional tissue that affects the blood. In this case, the blood is heated to above boiling. The mutant needs another mutation, such as Reflective Epidermis (heat), otherwise this is a drawback that inflicts d4+1 points of damage per day to the mutant as well as easily being seen with heat sensors or infravision from a mile away. If the mutant is heat resistant or immune, then heated blood can be used as if the mutant was a small fire (cooking food, melting ice, keeping others warm, etc.), allows the mutant to blind those with infravision at will (save versus death or be blinded for d4 turns) and gives the mutant immunity to cold conditions and attacks.


Bone Marrow


Slime Blood

The mutant's marrow produces a new kind of white blood cell. The first time per day the mutant is wounded and bleeds, they release a gray ooze (Mutant Future, page 74). The ooze is harmless to the mutant but not to anyone or anything else in the area. The ooze lives for d6 turns and then dies and turns into a dark stain.


Spine Blood

The mutant's marrow produces a new kind of platelet. When the mutant is wounded and bleeds, the platelets merge and produce a spine that sticks out of the wound. Removing the spine inflicts d8 points of damage to the mutant and then it can be used as a short sword for 1 turn before melting. Some mutants cut their palms, wrists or legs to make these weapons so they do not have to be removed (each costs 3 hit points). In that case, the spine lasts for an hour. Mutants with Energy Ray, Energy-Retaining Cell Structure and similar powers can direct these through the spine(s).


Blood Sacs

The mutant's marrow produces a new kind of red blood cell. The mutant has several visible sacs of blood just underneath their skin. These can be used to feed creatures that only consume blood as well as many parasite mutations. Creatures with parasite mutations that consume this blood do not suffer the penalty for 24 hours. The mutant with the sacs has enough blood for four other creatures (and each parasite is considered a whole creature) per day.


Shocking Blood

The mutant's marrow produces a new kind of red blood cell, one that contains extra iron. The mutant can smear this blood on a target, making them more vulnerable to electrical attacks. Both the mutant and anyone so smeared suffer a -4 to such saves. The mutant must take d4+1 points of damage to produce enough blood to affect a human sized target.


Powering Blood

The mutant's marrow produces a new kind of red blood cell, one with a different form of iron. The mutant can use their blood to recharge some power cells, though this takes a lot out of the mutant. For every one point of strength or dexterity (ML's call), the power cell gains 5 charges or one year of life. The points heal at one point per three days.


Jelly Blood

The mutant's marrow produces a new kind of platelet. If the mutant can inject their blood into another creature with blood, the latter's blood turns to jelly. This is a class 12 poison (save or die in d4 rounds).

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