NaNoWriMo Challenge Complete!

Yes, as of Wednesday November 19th, I completed the challenge. It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that I am very pleased with this! I remember last month when I was thinking about accepting the challenge to see if I could accomplish it and thinking that it would be exceedingly difficult.
I was so wrong.
It took me 19 days to write just over 50,000 words. And I have not stopped. By the end of the month (Next week’s blog, by the way) I will have easily topped 70,000 words. In fact I believe that I will hit 75,000 words.
But if I only reach 70K, I won’t complain.
There were several reasons I took this challenge. First I have always been terrible at meeting deadlines – even self-imposed deadlines. The fact is I claim to be a professional author and really it’s about damn time I live up to that moniker. So it comes down to the fact that I wanted to see if I had the self-discipline that it required to accept the challenge and attempt to beat it.
Secondly, I kind of did it to spite a few people. Mainly those who have attempted to be a hindrance to me or those who thought that I did not have what it took to be a professional writer. Well, I have one book already written and published. I have two more that were written but will never be published (at least for many years until the whole zombie craze dies down). I have another fantasy novel which I have discussed in nearly every blog over the past year that is in the hands of my editor. I have written thirteen short stories to tie in that novel and the one I’m working on.
So - for those who have thought that I did not have what it takes, BITE ME!
Finally there is a person that I have brought up at least once. A sick individual who happens to be a Troll – and someone who has taken great pains to write as many fake and bad reviews as he could for a couple of authors I know. To make matters worse, he’s also a plagiarist. He supposedly wrote four books and as it turns out all four had a significant chunk of their content stolen from other author’s works, including David Morrell (the author or Rambo).
Well, Goodwin – I don’t have to resort to stealing from others to write a novel. I have the skill and the talent, unlike you. And I know that there is a pretty good chance that you read my blog so unlike you, my future and career as an author just keeps getting brighter and brighter with each passing month.
And yes I realize how petty this is, but considering the pain and trouble this loathsome knuckledragger has caused, I don’t mind coming across as such.
After all, those who read my blog, and know me in person know that despite having a bit of an ego (yeah yeah, I know, a LOT of ego), I am a pretty nice guy and try my best to be kind and helpful.
And I still have every intention of continuing to plug away at the novel, but as I stated several times this month, once November has passed I will go back and begin the first round of edits. I will be taking pretty extensive notes and a lot of chapters are going to be moved around.
It’s going to take a lot of work and I fully expect that December will not see much progress in additions to the book, but it will be cleaned up and improved dramatically.
Oh and over the next few blogs I will be showing off the artwork that I commissioned for my 13 short stories. Right now Alfonso Maesa has completed three of the first five pieces for me. He is having computer issues so he’s doing it the traditional way – by hand. Believe me; I love his work no matter how he does it.
The image with this blog is from the first story called ‘You’ve got some ‘splaining to do’. It deals with the aftermath of the three main character’s return from the city of Kos and why they came back with tattoos.
I hope you enjoy his work as much as I have!
Last week the title of my blog had changes in it. I was really surprised at just how many changes my life and writing career have taken and will continue to take. At this time I won’t go into many details but I’m pretty excited about some of the changes that will be occurring in 2015.
Least of which will be a change of job for me. I want to get away from the company that I have been employed with since I returned from my father in law’s funeral as soon as possible. It is not a good environment to work in at all and I find that it’s getting more and more difficult with each passing week to be friendly and positive.
Time to go, even though I’ve only been there for 9 weeks.
Oh right! Before I forget to mention it, as usual Skirmisher has a new product out this week. La Baionnette No. 47: Nos Marins (The Bayonet No. 47: Our Marines). This is the second title in Skirmisher’s centennial commemoration of the Great War! Please click on the link to check it out.
And next week the latest issue of my Wisdom from the Wastelands series. This one will cover underwater rules for Mutant Future.
As always, it’s only a buck!
That reminds me. Speaking of writing for the series, I have been inspired by my latest novel. Well I can’t give all the credit for to my novel, I have to also give credit to ‘Far Cry 3’.
I want to write up an issue devoted to Tattoos. Not just decorative, but that will have a technology component – probably nanotechnology. Yes as I typically do I will farm the Far Cry franchise for inspiration, but I also am really thinking of writing up an article for Labyrinth Lord, using magical Tattoos.
Let’s see… this week I didn’t make any RPG purchases, so nothing to report on that front.
But I am getting back into watching DVD’s on Tuesdays, Saturdays and hopefully Sundays. I still have quite a stack to go through and I haven’t watched anything since I returned from burying my father in law a few months ago.
Last night I watched Cockney’s Versus Zombies. It was a somewhat gross and funny British zombie movie. In a nutshell it’s no Shaun of the Dead, but it did keep me entertained for about 90 minutes.
And the one scene with the soccer hoodlums was unexpected and really quite funny!
Before I forget, there is another Zombie series available for viewing from the people who brought you such classics as Sharnado and Sharktopus! The SyFy channel has a series called Z nation. The 11th episode aired the other night and I will say this – it certainly is not ‘The Walking Dead’ but it is entertaining. So if you’re going through a Walking Dead withdrawl, give it a shot.
And that pretty much covers it for this week.
If you’re on Facebook, please take a minute to like my personal author page, and likewise, if you’re on Twitter, how about following me?
Stay warm and safe and have a great week!