My Expectations for Comicpalooza 2016

My Expectations for Comicpalooza 2016


So, Comicpalooza 2016 is right on the door step and ready to start this weekend June 17-19. Aside from looking forward to the Skirmisher Games Pavilion, notable actors, a variety of vendors, more tabletop games and cos-players than you can shake a stick at; I look forward to the stories. Stories you ask? Yes, stories that are created when we embark on the fantasy of game play. Each game has its own unique theme and thus its own unique story. These flights of fantasy have always intrigued me and fueled my love for the tabletop hobby. 

So, Comicpalooza 2016 is right on the door step and ready to start this weekend June 17-19. Aside from looking forward to the Skirmisher Games Pavilion, notable actors, a variety of vendors, more tabletop games and cos-players than you can shake a stick at; I look forward to the stories. Stories you ask? Yes, stories that are created when we embark on the fantasy of game play. Each game has its own unique theme and thus its own unique story. These flights of fantasy have always intrigued me and fueled my love for the tabletop hobby. Be it board games, miniatures or RPGs, the stories they produce are a steady stream of joy and excitement to me. I have always been like this since my first adventures with Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition in middle school and that’s when the stories started. Uh oh, I think I just gave away my age. When I play the dungeon crawling board game Descent 2nd Edition from Fantasy Flight Games, my imagination goes wild as I create my own stories of battling dragons, lava beetles and mad mages in the wondrous Runebound universe.

If this is your first time coming to Comicpalooza, which I hope it is not, get ready for a trip into the world of fantasy. A world that can be accessed by just opening the box of a board game, picking up a monster or space ship miniature or sit down with fellow players for a session of an RPG. Cos-player not only tell stories, but they take opportunities like Comicpalooza to live out their fantasy if only for a few days. They take the “story” as far as they can and they invite you to come along for the ride.

The stories drive my imagination and stir my desire to push further and see what I can create during each and every play session. I want to be sure to catch the d-Infinity Independent Game Awards. These awards will fuel the vivid imagination of game designers and keep more new and creative stories coming. This will make sure we get games that will continue to peak our curiosity and imagination. I plan to visit the independent game designers and publishers’ area, located in the Comicpalooza’s Indie Game Alley because I’m sure there will be something new and exciting for me to wrap my head around that I might miss elsewhere. Comicpalooza is a paradise for geeks, nerds and board gamers.

So if this is your thing, welcome to paradise and let’s make some stories!

Miklos Fitch has always loved games, from board games to PC games. He received his first board game at 10 years old and from there his passion has never stopped. Now he plays the new modern games with his family as much as he can. If you want to contact him about board games send an email to 

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