Musings, Men of War, and Illness

It has been a bit of a rough week for me. Work’s been fine, Kung Fu’s been fine, family and all else has been fine.
I’ve just been really busy Tuesday and Wednesday. I had planned on writing up a couple of conversions, but I never had a chance.
See, Thursday I got hit by something nasty. It started about 1 in the afternoon, and by the time I was done training and home, I had the chills, a cough so bad that I swear I tasted blood, and pain everywhere.
I did what any pertinent man would do. Called in sick for Friday and went promptly to bed after finishing off some tea and Tylenol.
For the past two and a half days I spent the time in bed drinking lots of fluids and sleeping. Did not bother watching TV or playing. Just caught up on my rest. So right now I’m feeling about 100% better than I did at this time on Thursday.
Thus there you have the reason that I have not written or posted any new conversions or edited one of the two stories I finished.
Believe it or not however, tomorrow I will be posting the last four mutants for New Mutant Monday.
It’s done.
104 monsters for your OSR game.
Monday, February 22, Season 2 of New Mutant Monday begins!
This week I posted the Goritaur, Thinners, Infectious Metamorphic Horror and Kinzoku Biba. If you have an idea or image you wish to send to me for consideration for season 2, please do so. I can’t promise I’ll use it right away, but those who send me request typically don’t have long to wait.
Now about that compilation book. It’s coming along and got more work completed. I have only 1 or two new weapon systems to write and then just go through each section, add a little bit of data and she’ll be done. I’ll have it off to Michael Varhola by March 1st.
I’ve mentioned my zombie novels numerous times over the past couple of years. This week before I got sick I finished editing chapter 4. I would have started working on chapter 5 but… well, you know… So Tuesday after the long weekend I will begin.
I did not purchase any new RPG material this week, so no reviews.
However I did finish ‘For Honor We Stand’ book two of the Man of War series by H. Paul Honsinger. For a space opera series it really has the feel of the old fashioned naval books set in the 1800’s, even though I have never read any of those! All the ships are crewed by men and boys, the captain is daring and thinks outside the box, and there is a lot of action and intrigue. Overall it’s not a bad series, and I do get a kick out of it.
It certainly is no Lost Fleet series though. Still, don’t take that the wrong way, I would recommend it at any rate.
My wife and I did finally get around to watching Kung Fu Panda 3. You’d think that with how long I’ve been training I would have long ago went out of my way to watch the movie, that I should have been there opening night.
I’m dedicated, but it is just a movie about a fat panda who can do Kung Fu.
Hey I really enjoyed it! Another simple story, Po learns more about himself in the process. Great animation, more than a few chuckles, as you would expect, and a great movie to take your kids to see.
Hell a great movie to see just for yourself!
If I had been feeling better I would have seen Deadpool yesterday, but as I said. Sick = bed = no movie.
Next week.
I will warn you. If you’re easily offended I would recommend skipping past the next few rants. First is about Donald Trump. The second is about a woman who was called a vagina Kung Fu master and the last is about a wack-job Muslim in London.
If the brain-dead sheeple in the states elect Donald Trump to be president, I see a scene from one Jay and Silent Bob movie coming to life...
The one at the end of the movie where Jay and SB go door to door, hunting down the internet haters and beating the shit out of them.
Guess Johnny Depp and the comedian who humiliated him during that roast (the look of pure hate on Trumps face...) will be the first targets.
Everyone else will follow.
Excuse me? Being able to lift 10 pounds with your vagina does not make you a Kung Fu master. 40 plus years of diligent training makes you a master.
That's just a weird trick and proves you’re an attention whore.
What an insult to actual martial artists!
I saw an article about a nut-job in London walking down a street carrying a knife and threatening to cut off the heads of Christians.
If this would have happened in the states, he would have been shot dead.
Now I wonder what the reaction would have been if it was a Christian doing this and threatening Muslins?
Food for thought.
And that’s it.
I hope everyone is enjoying February – I know I am. We’ve hardly had a day that did not climb above freezing here, one of the warmest February month’s I can recall having in many a year.
Stay warm, stay happy and continue to enjoy life!