Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation filled with idiotic reviewers who Invade California and like the Remaining

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation filled with idiotic reviewers who Invade California and like the Remaining


The hardest part of working on the harvesting book is the damn system I’ve written up for figuring out the costs of material that can be harvested from defeated foes.

Yes, it has its inspiration from the 3.5 and Pathfinder edition games, but it’s still a hell of a lot of work on my part.

Still, with the work I have accomplished, including writing up examples and re-imaging the chart, I think coming up with the prices for the next part of the harvesting book will move a lot quicker and smoothly.

At least, that’s what I hope will happen.

I’ve also been putting a great deal of thought into my various source-books I have on the go. I really should work on the other three tech-based books. The Powered Armor, Robots and Vehicles.

But truth be told, the mutation book keeps popping up in my mind. I believe there are several reasons for this. First, it’s been something I’ve worked on and off now for 5 years. Yeah, five bloody years.

Secondly, I see two potential new markets for my mutation book. Metamorphosis Alpha, and the upcoming Mutant Crawl Classic.

Oddly enough, both published by Goodman Games. So I’m planning on picking up the classic MA and going over the rules and setting to see how I can make my work fit easily and snugly into the setting.

It’s a really tough choice to make. Then again, by reading the other companies books, I can also write my material in hopes of making it perfectly compatible as well.

Now it’s time for the usual routine.

Buck Who? Chapter 29 is now up. This one had far more action than most of the previous chapters. I’m trying to change the pace of the novel now, tightening up the chapters and adding more action. I still hope to finish it soon, but the way I write, it’s not bloody likely.

With it being a long weekend last week, I posted a bonus critter for New Mutant Monday. I had planned on writing up four entries, but the fourth turned out to be a lot of work. I’m hoping to get it posted tomorrow.

Last week’s entries – Air Betta, Master Caps, and the Rainforest Terrors.

I also need to write up a couple of new entries for tomorrow! God, where am I going to find the time?

Something that bugs me. Seeing so-called 'reviews' for anything that are one or two stars.

Don't get me wrong or start telling me I'm an idiot.

Hear me out.

There are types of poor reviews like this that have NOTHING to do with the item being reviewed! Someone gives an item a terrible review because it was received late when shipped, or they did not like the reader (in the case of an audio book). They did not like the popcorn or were sitting next to someone who was talking (during a movie).

You know what? People like this are fucking idiots.

When you review something, make sure you review the item in question, not circumstances.

I see too many people who 'review' something and prove that they're nothing more than retarded - wait, that's insulting people who have mental issues. Let's try that again.

Too many people who are too stupid to walk and breathe at the same time and who have scars on their knuckles from dragging them when they do walk post reviews like the examples I used above.

These types of reviews need to be removed, period. Legitimate reviews, good and bad, need to stay up, but don't allow these gene-pool rejects to write reviews.

Frankly I'm surprised any of these idiots are capable of turning on a computer, let alone typing.

Somewhere there are villages looking for their lost idiots.

I finished two books last week. Invasion: California by Vaughn Heppner and The Remaining by D.J. Molles.

Invasion was a good, fast-paced military thriller with more than enough combat and tension to keep me happy. There was not much in the way of character development, but then again, when I read a book like that, I don’t really expect a lot. Still, it was enjoyable and I will eventually get around to reading the third book in the series.

The remaining is just another zombie novel, but with a twist. The zombies are not undead – they’re victims of a biological weapon that turns them insane and cannibalistic. They run in packs and use weapons, albeit primitive melee weapons AKA anything they can get their hands on.

I have a feeling the author of this series happens to be a fan of ‘The Morrow Project’, as there were several similarities to that game in this novel. It’s not a bad thing, just something only a select few people would probably notice.

Ah, probably reading too much into it.

Also caught Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. It was a fun movie, lots of action, and as always a little confusing. Always good to see Simon Pegg on the big screen and he had far more than just a minor role in this movie. It’s worth your cash and the 2.5 hours you need to watch it.

So one last thing for me to rant about. This is short and sweet…

Who the fuck thought that Vamprella Vs. Aliens was a good idea? And furthermore, who the fuck actually allowed this to happen?

God above…

And that’s it for this week. As always please like my personal author page on Facebook, and give me a follow on Twitter.

See you in seven days!

New Mutant Monday # 38 - Ningen Kabanoki

New Mutant Monday # 38 - Ningen Kabanoki

d-Infinity Live! Series 4, Ep. 29: 2015 Convention Roundup