Fibula, Old-School Assassin

Fibula, Old-School Assassin


Was recently speaking with my old friend Jim Askey and he mentioned that he still had the sheet for the character he played in my AD&D campaign from 1982-84! He was kind enough to scan and send it to me and it appears here. Based on his character sketch alone, my sense is he would have played Mr. Fibula as a Tiefling if the option had been available in that era. His adventuring companion was a wizard named Zoltar, played by our mutual friend Brian Johnson, and that character made the transition more than 30 years after his creation into the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting. I am now thinking that Fibula will have to join the Kos canon as well! 

d-Infinity Live from LexiCon 2016

d-Infinity Live from LexiCon 2016

Runequest Thursday #82 - Downtime Adventures, Chaotic River Eels, and Cults - Oh My!

Runequest Thursday #82 - Downtime Adventures, Chaotic River Eels, and Cults - Oh My!