Acting Like Animals

Sometimes there is a need to switch mindsets and go into the realm of the wild. There are two major factors that combine to form the mindset of the creature you are portraying. Diet and Temperment.
Herbivore: Strict plant eater.
Carnivore: Strict meat eater.
Omnivore: If it fits in the mouth it is fair game.
Herbivorous Omnivore: Would appear to be a strict plant eater, until it isn't.
Carnivorous Omnivore: Would appear to be a strict meat eater, until it isn't.
Docile: Huh, oh it is you, proceed. Docile creatures don't give two shakes who comes near, they have no reason to fear much. Probably sized so large other beings are beneath their notice.
Skittish: Skittish critters will run at the mere sight of something else that is not their kind. Usually their skittishness is based on the size of the encounter.
Aggressive: Run, just frikkin run. If you lock eyes with these beasts, they are probably going to run you down.
Territorial: See aggressive, but only once you have crossed that line in the sand. Especially if it is mating season.
Captive: Generally not as intense as its wild counterpart. An added modifier to the others.
Social: Social animals want to be in a group, and if you have gifts, usually food, you can join the group too.
Combining these modifiers will help get the mindset right for playing more primal creatures.