New Mutant Monday Index

This index was created to keep track of the Mutant Monstrosities created for the feature 'New Mutant Monday's'.
I will attempt to keep this updated with each new creature that is posted to the site. The creatures will be documented in Alphabetical Order just to keep it simple.
- Air Betta (week 35)
- Albino Penguin (week 71)
- Agma Sonalag (week 69)
- Ambusher (week 7)
- Animating Slime (week 1)
- Barsoon (week 13)
- Big Horners (week 89)
- Biters (week 45)
- Blasters (week 12)
- Brutes (week 4)
- Camerus (week 90)
- Cannabaceae (week 23)
- Cannon Flea (week 58)
- Carnichick (week 67)
- Cattiphan (week 93)
- Cerberdragon (week 49)
- Chance Deer (week 9)
- Chip-Spiders (week 18)
- Chitterer (week 59)
- Corras (week 94)
- Crabdillos (week 43)
- Deep Ones (week 72)
- Dreagle (week 30)
- Doom Circles (week 40)
- Engulfer (week 101)
- Felinoid (week 76)
- Fengchao Xinshen (week 85)
- Flids (week 11)
- Flyders (week 19)
- Flows (week 41)
- Gamma Turtle (week 65)
- Glowing Turtle (week 55)
- Goritaur (week 97)
- Gremlin (week 95)
- Haidai (week 86)
- Halias (week 21)
- Heel Fly, gargantuan (week 63)
- Haizi Shi Renzu (week 61)
- Hiko Kaeru (week 25)
- Heway (week 91)
- Hotter (week 77)
- Hummer (week 33)
- Infectious Metamorphic Horror (week 99)
- Iruka (week 16)
- Kaeru Jusei (week 24)
- Kinzoku Biba (week 98)
- Konchu Monkey (week 73)
- Krampians (week 79)
- Kyoryu Sasori Teru (week 54)
- Lagromea (week 78)
- Land Bobbet (week 80)
- Living Ghoul (week 2)
- Living Skeleton (week 3)
- Longqi Ti (week 104)
- Lost Dweller (week 50)
- Lotus Blossom (week 66)
- Master Caps (week 37)
- Melter Hornet (week 26)
- Microcephalians (week 96)
- Mimicker (week 48)
- Ningen Kabanoki (week 38)
- Octoids (week 51)
- Oracles (week 27)
- Pelieater (week 102)
- Pengale (week 83)
- Pengnasher (week 52)
- Porters (week 13)
- Predisquirrel (week 5)
- Proteus (week 39)
- Qu Xain Bing (week 47)
- Rainforest Terror (week 36)
- Rattle-Webbers (week 20)
- Roaster (week 31)
- Rongu Ago (week 87)
- Saal Jyu (week 17)
- Sea Tyrant (week 81)
- Scrappers (week 57)
- Sea Bunnies (week 32)
- Set Kkoli Jwi (week 22)
- Shargull (week 76)
- Shivans (week 28)
- Siponers (week 82)
- Slicks (week 60)
- Skull Spider (week 74)
- Spear Grass (week 15)
- Spine Wolves (week 44)
- Stinker (week 103)
- Tanks (week 29)
- Tara Fukuro (week 88)
- Tentacle Parasite (week 68)
- Terror Rags (week 62)
- Thinners (week 100)
- Tiny Terrors (week 42)
- Uniclops (week 46)
- Ursoarach (week 70)
- Vole Swarm (week 6)
- Walker (week 8)
- Water Beetle, Giant (week 64)
- Weather Warden (week 84)
- Wendigo (week 92)
- White Raven (week 34)
- Worca (week 10)
- Yako-Sei No Sekkusu Akuma (week 56)
- Yeoseong Seubji (week 53)
Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.