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Wednesday's Wondrous Works #4 - Brute Tattoo


Aura: faint transmutation; (CL): 5th

Slot: None; Price: 5,000 (+5), 20,000 (+10); Weight: N/A

Description: Typically placed on the face or another visible location, this magical tattoo gives the wearer an aura of menace. The tattoo typically comes in two sizes, one which could cover up to 6 square inches of flesh, or the other up to a square foot. The tattoo gives the wearer a bonus of either +5 or +10 to their intimidation skills. Furthermore, it gives the user a bonus of +2 to Will Saves versus any type of fear effect.

Construction: Craft wondrous item, intimidate +5 or +10; Cost: 2,500 (+5) 10,000 (+10)