Walls of Ivy: A Druid Spell for Pathfinder

You cause thick, green ivy to sprout from the ground and grow up the surface of the target wall.
School conjuration (creation); Level druid 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range touch
Target one wall touched
Effect see description
Duration instantaneous
You cause thick, green ivy to sprout from the ground and grow up the surface of the target wall, filling an 5 foot square section of wall and an additional connected 5 foot square section of wall per 2 caster levels. If the target wall is less than 5 feet thick the ivy can be commanded to grow over the wall and down the other side. While the ivy is not strong enough to support weight, it provides a +4 circumstance bonus to Climb skill checks made to climb the target wall.
If the ground is capable of supporting pant life, the ivy continues to live as a normal plant. Otherwise, the ivy die after 1d6 hours, leaving behind brittle leaves and vines.
A 3rd level variant of this spell called poison walls of ivy creates poison ivy vines (treat as poison oak). The caster and up to four others designated at the time of casting are immune to the poisonous effects of these vines.