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Starfinder: Goriate

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This is the second and final variant of the Zugaikotsu virus. Where the vast majority of the victims of this genetically altered virus become armored, flesh-eating, mindless monsters, the virus alters this one even further and turns the victim into a massive, hulking brute.

The average Goriate stands around ten feet in height and can weigh in excess of a fifteen hundred pounds. The creature is covered in head to toe with the same heavy bone-growth, giving it an incredibly strong natural armor. The creature is shockingly fast for its size and weight, and can easily charge targets – which it will often do.

Due to the size of the monster, its metabolism is likewise gargantuan, which means unlike its much smaller brethren, the creature is almost always seeking food to consume. Humanoids who are attacked by this creature rarely live long enough to allow the infection to overcome them, as they are eaten, flesh, organs, bones and all.

In combat the creature relies on simple tactics. The Goriate always begin a fight by letting loose a horrible bellow, one which can fill the hearts and souls of those who hear it with unbridled terror, leaving them shaken. After it has used this ability, It loves to charge, especially if there are large numbers of victims bunched together. Once it is in among targets, it will flail about with its claws, slashing and tearing and it will attempt to grab victims in order to bring them up to bite and eat.  

They are found in large packs of Zugaikotsu, although they do not give a damn about their smaller brethren, often trampling or even attacking them in order to get at potential sources of food. Witnesses have seen them grab Zugaikotsu and toss them aside, or in the case of dealing with tough creatures or even vehicles, using them as a club.

If food has the high ground, or is in a building or structure where the Goriate can pick up small objects and hurl them with great effectiveness. This is considered a standard action, and it can only make a single ranged attack per round.

Only the Kushi are shown any kind of respect, as the acid the creatures are able to hurt the Goriate’s. They will avoid hitting the smaller variants and will even halt a charge if one happens to be in the way.

Starfinder Creature Index

Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.