Runequest Tuesday #138 - WHAAAAAT! - Storm Tigers!

Since I will be on the road all day Thursday, and I did not want to leave you all in the lurch without a RQ Thursday article, I thought I would post it today before I set out on my grand trek to the South (which begins tomorrow).
With all the preparation and packing, I have not had a great deal of time to write this week. So Stormwalk Mountain Part 2 will have to wait until I get back. Instead, I provide you with a teaser - The Storm Tiger, a creature native to the Storm Realm, in which the Brightwaters found themselves after destroying the Krarshtvermin and realizing that the attack of these massive wurms was little more than a diversion for the main attack . . .But that is Stormwalk Mountain Part 2, which you can read next week!
Here is the Storm Tiger, as promised.
The Image, by the talented Kantus74, is registered as free to use and modify, which I have done, tinting it blue.