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New Mutant Monday Series Two #17 - Vegarep


It has been debated among the wasteland scholars whether this monster is a mutated reptile, or if it happens to be some sort of mutant plant, as it has similarities to both species. Other scholars have hinted at the possibility the Chimerians might be responsible for this beast, having decided to try mixing the genetic code of two entirely different life-forms.

These beasts have a humanoid build with two legs, two exceptionally long arms, a powerful musculature, and a head. The body is covered by what appear to be green scales, with a patch of bone-like growths on the head and shoulders, which extend to two or three inches from the flesh. The scales are not in fact scales, but are instead a very tough bark-like material, which are highly resistant to most types of damage. There are additional spikes on the elbows of these beasts, and the hands have long, wickedly sharp talons. The face is elongated and the beast has no lips, revealing a jaw filled with omnivorous teeth. The eyes are deep-set and look like chips of obsidian. Where the body is not covered by scales, the flesh is uniformly grey and very dense, although not quite as dense as the scales.

Humanoid mutants come in all shapes and sizes, and these creatures are no exception to the rule. At first glance, they appear to be dwarves or midgets, and for those who prefer to be politically correct, little people. They do not appear to have any mutations or physical defects, other than being short, and for their size they are perfectly proportioned. The average member of this species stands about three feet in height and weigh about thirty pounds.

Skin, hair and eye coloration run the gamut There are those who wonder if these creatures are not in fact the result of genetic tampering, and there are those who wonder if they are just simply one of the many different humanoid species borne from the radiation and other energies released during the final wars.

Only when the creatures feed that their appearance will change, revealing how mutated they are. The eyes become pits of pure black, and fangs will extend from the upper and lower jaws. The fingers and toes sprout thick, black claws and a pair of bat-like wings will sprout from their backs. The end result is they take on the appearance of the mythical vampires.

The only problem is their size. Even after the change, there are those who find it more than a little difficult to take the creatures seriously as they appear to be ‘cute’. Never say this to one or laugh, as it will push them into a murderous rage.

The creatures live in small communities, typically in pre-existing ruins along well travelled roads or in areas with a large population. They have also been known to set up home in existing communities which show a tolerance to mutants and other humanoids. They are often quite amicable and friendly, although being treated as children or talked down to, or called cute will enrage them. Usually they will give offenders a warning, but if it persists, they will attack. If this occurs during the daytime, they will use weapons or their fists.

If it occurs during the night…

These mutants are caught in a dangerous cycle. The daytime they appear human, unless they are feeding upon blood. They are perfectly capable of eating regular food, and enjoy doing so, but gain no nutritional value from it. At night the little mutants reveal their true forms, and this is typically when they will leave their homes to hunt.

The blood does not have to be that of a humanoid. Any blood will do, and often those who live in communities will live on the blood of animals, but as one would expect, they prefer to consume the blood of humanoids, simply because it tastes better.

Combating these creatures can be trying. Their size and speed make them rather difficult to hit, and despite their limitations, they can use artifact weapons, although artifact armor is not available to them. They will often fight from a distance, using firearms to soften up prey, and quite often there will be members of an attacking force which will be airborne, attacking with ranged weapons or dropping rocks or the like.

They are rather cowardly (except when enraged), and if they suffer more than 50% of their total hit points in damage, they must make a moral check and if it fails, they will flee at their fastest possible movement rate. If any of their number are killed, the moral check is made at a +1 per death. This will be a group check in the case of deaths, a single roll made for all those involved.

Anytime someone calls them cute or makes fun of them, they must make a Will Power check (the average member has 10+1d8) by rolling a d20. If the roll is below their Will Power score, they do not become enraged. If it fails, they will fly into a hateful rage, gaining a +2 to hit, +2 to all damage attacks, and suffer a +2 to AC. They will attack the person or being who caused them to go into the rage until that person is dead. During this period of enragement, they are not subject to any moral checks and are free to ignore them. After the target has been dispatched, the creature will spend 1d4 rounds sucking the blood of the vanquished. If they are attacked, they will immediately turn their focus on those who disturbed them. Once the feeding is complete, they will return to normal and at this time they will be forced to make a moral check (if required).

Mutations: Aberrant form (natural weapons), bizarre appearance, complete wing development, dietary requirement change (blood), dwarfism, metamorph (modified), night vision

No. Enc: 1d6 or 6d8 in communities
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement: 90’ (30’)
                    150’ (50’) flight
AC: 3
HD: 4
Attacks: 1 weapon or by bite and two claws
Damage: by weapon or 1d4+1 and 1d6+1 / 1d6+1
Save: L4
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: Always 1 primitive firearm with 4d6 rounds of ammunition, I, II, III, VII, XV (75% artifacts)

Chaos River Eels


            1D20    Hit Location     AP/HP

STR     18             1-6           Tail              5/4

CON    15            7-14        Body            5/6

SIZ       20           15-20       Head            5/4

INT       2

POW   11

DEX    13

Combat Actions: 2

Damage Modifier: +1D6

Movement: 3 yards on Land, 8 yards in Water

Strike Rank: +10


Excellent Swimmer

Sense Movement 60%: Submerged river eels can detect movement in nearby water, up to about 4 yards distant. By comparison, their eyes are rather weak, especially out of the water.

Skills: Athletics 85%, Evade 65%, Persistence 43%, Resilience 43%, Spot 30%, Stealth 75%

Type     To hit   Reach   Damage                 Special

Bite      60%      +2          1D8+1d6             Grip and Roll

Tactics: Preferring muddy water and overhanging riverbanks or vegetation, river eels are stealthy hunters, lying in wait for passing prey. If a bite gains a special success, the eel will use its next action to establish a grip with its fangs, then roll to disorient and drown the target, or possibly tear free a limb. On the turn the grip is established, and every turn thereafter that it is maintained – roll STR vs. STR. If the target wins, she may withdraw from the grip. If the eel wins, it rolls and maintains its grip. The roll does 1d4+1 damage that is not reduced by armor. If the gripped location is an arm or leg, and it suffers a Major Wound as the result of a roll, the limb is torn off.

Chaos Taint: River eel succumb to chaos taint quite easily if exposed to it. If in a region where exposure is possible, they have a 25% chance of having a chaos feature for each 10 SIZ they possess.

No. Enc: 3d12, or 60d10
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 180’ (60’) Swim
                     360’ (120’) Flight
AC: 5
HD: 6
Attacks: 1 Bite and special
Damage: 2d6 and special
Save: L6
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: N/A

No. Enc: 1d4
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement: 90’ (30’) land
                     60’ (20’) water
AC: 3
HD: 8
Attacks: 1 bite, 2 claws, 1 tail-slap
Damage: 2d12+4, 2d8+2 / 2d8+2, 2d6+4 & special
Save: 10
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: Incidental

No. Enc: 1d6
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement: 90’ (30’)
AC: 2
HD: 12
Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, and rake (see description)
Damage: 2d6+4 / 2d6+4, 1d12+2, 4d6+8
Save: L16
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: II, IV,X, XII