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New BASH Hero Datafile - Drea


Here is another character from my Hunts Point campaign, this time an NPC. When I started the game, I worked out a bunch of characters for my players to choose from, then used the leftovers as NPCs, deciding whether they would be heroes or villains. Drea refused to be pinned down to either one, so she back and forth over the fence, sometimes she's a hero, other times she's one of the bad guys. But she is basically good. She won't hurt or kill unless in self defense, and she definitely has a hate on for the local gang - the Cazadores.



Street punk tagger and tattoo artist with WAAAAY too much imagination

As a young tagger Andrea ‘Drea’ Nunez developed the ability to manifest her art and tattoos as three-dimensional psycho-solid projections she calls 'Inks'. After briefly experimenting with how this could be used to enrich her own lifestyle, she found herself in trouble with the law and the local gangsters. Now Drea runs with a crew that call themselves the Hunts Point Beautification Project, a collection of taggers and ex-gang members who have banded together for protection. Drea is a talented adrenaline junkie who enjoys thumbing her nose at the powers that be in the neighbourhood, the Cazadores, as well as the crooked cops that do their bidding. Her tattoos, her tags, even the scribbles in her ‘Tagger’s Grimoire’ can be manifested for an nearly limitless variety of effects.

The noted 'Tagger's Grimoire' is the advantage Versatile, reskinned for Drea.

Drea has a doodle sidekick, called The Fuzz, a tiny ink of a rather beat-up teddy bear. She also has something she called the inkbeast, that she can manifest. Look for links to The Fuzz and Inkbeast on the BASH Hero Datafiles Index.