Complete Cellular Regeneration

The mutant can repair any and all damage it has sustained in an instant. It can even regrow limbs, but at a slower rate.
People in the Pact Worlds wonder if these little creatures were originally used as pets by the Vesk. Of course some brilliant bio-engineer or cyberneticist decided that it would be a good idea to give the little creatures titanium claws and teeth.
The end result is that even if the little creatures are not exactly sturdy, they are fast and their bites and claws can inflict surprisingly dangerous wounds, and often these wounds will bleed rather profusely due to their cybernetic modifications.
A handful of these creatures is not exactly difficult to dispatch, but when they are used against enemy troops or even enemy encampments or fortifications. The little creatures are able to dodge and weave their way out of harm’s grasp, and even area effect weapons are often of little use when dealing with these creatures.
To make matters worse, they can use their teeth to chew through wire mesh and even walls or doors – given enough time – unless the features are made out of pure metal. Wire mesh covering exhaust vents, shafts and the like are completely at the little dino’s mercy!
As is the case with many of the genetically modified dinosaurs used by the Vesk, these creatures are slightly more intelligent than their original ancestors, and even these little creatures are fully capable of learning how to open doors, drawers, and even fiddle with simple latches or other such mechanisms.
When they are not being used to harass enemy soldiers, these creatures are often left to their own devices on the bases and installations used by the Vesk. After all, they keep small vermin and other pests down to a minimum… and the Vesk consider them a tasty snack!
Compsognathus Combatant CR 1/3 XP 135
Neutral small animal (technological)
Init +3; Senses: Low light vision ; Perception +3
Defense HP 6
EAC: 10; KAC: 12
Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +0
Defensive Abilities: Evasion
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Bite +4 (1d3+1 P C Bleed 1 point), or claw +4 (1d4+1 S Crit bleed 1d2)
Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Titanium Claws and Teeth
Str +0; Dex +3; Con +1; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +3, athletics +7, stealth +7
Feats: Lightning reflexes
Languages: None
Environment: Any warm
Organization: Small hunting pack (1d4+1), Medium hunting packs (2d6+2), large hunting packs (4d6+4) or massive hunting packs (10d10+10)
Special Abilities
Evasion (Ex): Whenever the Compsognathus is subjected to a reflex save to avoid half damage; it will automatically avoid all damage upon a successful save.
Titanium Claws and teeth (Ex): The little beasts have had their natural weapons augmented with titanium, and as a result, they tend to inflict more damage than a creature of their size and weight. This makes the little monsters even more fearsome – as the damage inflicted by their natural weapons tend to cause the wounds to bleed profusely.
Defensive Regurgitation
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: 2 times the power score (round to nearest 5 feet).
Duration: 4d4 hours
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: Power score modifier times per day (minimum of once)
Uneven Growth (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Flyer Arachnid Combatant CR 2 XP 600
Neutral medium vermin
Init +9; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
Defense HP 30
EAC: 17; KAC: 19
Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +1
Defensive Abilities: DR 2 / -, evasion; Immunities: fire, poison, radiation
Speed: 20 ft., 80 ft. (fly – good)
Melee: Two claws +7 (1d6+4 S) or bite +11 (1d4+4 P)
Offensive Abilities: Explosive Egg
Str +2; Dex +5; Con +0; Int -; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +12
Feats: Improved initiative, lightning reflexes
Other Abilities: Hardened survivor
Languages: None
Environment: Any
Organization: Squads (2d4+4), or flocks (6d4+6)
Special Abilities
Diving slash (Ex): The Flyer can dive at any target, and can move up to twice its normal movement rate. The creature cannot make any turns while attempting this maneuver. The creature will gain a +2 to hit with its claws and the damage is increased to 2d6+4 if the slash succeeds. This requires a full round action to complete.
Evasion (Ex): Whenever the Flyer is subjected to a reflex save to avoid half damage, it will automatically avoid all damage upon a successful save.
Explosive Egg (Ex): Occasionally the flyer will carry a pair of ‘eggs’ into combat with them. These can be dropped from any height and once they impact the ground, the eggs will explode in a 20 foot radius. The area of effect will suffer 2d6+3 points of flame damage, with a Ref save (DC 13 for half damage, as the area is coated in the napalm-like chemical used by the Spewer Arachnid. After the ‘egg’ detonates, the flame will continue to burn for 1d3+1 rounds, unless the victim is able to somehow smother the flames (rolling in dirt, dousing in chemical fire-extinguishing foam, jumping into a river or large body of water). Also the napalm-like fire will remain on whatever terrain it coated when the arachnid used this ability and will last for 1d3+1 rounds before burning out. The Flyer can use this ability only twice, and then it needs to ‘reload’ back at its base.
Hardened Survivor (Ex): The warrior is completely immune to poisons and radiation, and it is able to withstand extreme conditions, even utter vacuum. Whenever the beast must make a saving Fortitude saving throw when dealing with environmental conditions, it gains a +10.
Pterodactyl - Augmented Combatant CR 3 XP 800
Neutral large animal (technological)
Init +9; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low light vision; Perception +8
Defense HP 40
EAC: 18; KAC: 20
Fort: +7; Ref: +9; Will: +2
Weakness: Ground vulnerability
Speed: 10 feet, fly 80 feet (good)
Melee: Bite +11 (1d8+4 P), or two claws +7 (1d6+4 s, crit bleed 1d3)
Ranged: Turreted tactical railgun +8 (1d8+3 P)
Space: 10 ft., Reach: 5 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Diving slash, turreted weapon
Str +2; Dex +5; Con +0; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +13, Stealth +8
Feats: Improved initiative
Gear: Darkvision capacitors, Tactical railgun
Languages: None
Environment: Any warm forests, hills or mountains.
Organization: Solitary, pairs, small flocks (2d3+2), large flocks (4d8+6)
Special Abilities
Diving slash (Ex): The Pterodactyl can dive at any target, and can move up to twice its normal movement rate. The creature cannot make any turns while attempting this maneuver. The creature will gain a +2 to hit with its claws and the damage is increased to 2d6+4 if the slash succeeds. This requires a full round action to complete.
Ground Vulnerability (Ex): If the creature is ever forced to fight on the ground, it loses its Dexterity bonus and as such its EAC and KAC both drop by 5.
Turreted Weapon (Ex): Mounted on the shoulder of the creature is a specialized turret. It is controlled by a simple computer program and allows the Pterodactyl to target anything around it, even if it is directly behind it and fire. This is a free action and does not count as an attack by the creature. Furthermore, the Pterodactyl cannot be flanked as long as the weapon has ammunition (12 rounds), as the software will track and automatically attack.
Spewer, Arachnid Combatant CR 3 XP 800
Neutral large vermin
Init +8; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
Defense HP 40
EAC: 14; KAC: 16
Fort: +9 (+19); Ref: +5; Will: +2
Defensive Abilities: DR 3 / -; Immunities: Fire, poison, radiation
Speed: 50 ft.
Melee: Two claws +7 (1d6+4 S) or one bite +7 (1d6+4 Crit burn 1d6)
Space: 10 ft., Reach: 5 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Stream of fire
Str +1; Dex +4; Con +2; Int -; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +13, stealth +8
Feats: Great fortitude, improved initiative
Other Abilities: Hardened Survivor
Languages: None
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, small groups (1d3+1)
Special Abilities
Hardened Survivor (Ex): The warrior is completely immune to poisons and radiation, and it is able to withstand extreme conditions, even utter vacuum. Whenever the beast must make a saving Fortitude saving throw when dealing with environmental conditions, it gains a +10.
Stream of Fire (Ex): The creature, as a full round action, can spray a stream of napalm-like chemical fire. The stream is 10 feet wide and can reach out to a maximum of 50 feet. Anyone caught in the stream area of effect is allowed a Ref save (DC 14) or take 3d6+7 flame damage. A successful save cuts the damage in half. To make matters worse, the flame will continue to burn for 1d3+1 rounds, unless the victim is able to somehow smother the flames (rolling in dirt, dousing in chemical fire-extinguishing foam, jumping into a river or large body of water). Also the napalm-like fire will remain on whatever terrain it coated when the arachnid used this ability and will last for 1d3+1 rounds before burning out. The arachnid is able to use this ability once every third round.
Disease Symbiosis
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Tyrannosaurus Rex – Augmented Combatant CR 14 XP 51,200
Neutral gargantuan animal (technological)
Init +9; Senses: Blindsight (sound) 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low light vision; Perception +25
Defense HP 250
EAC: 30; KAC: 35
Fort: +18; Ref: +18; Will: +12
Defensive Abilities: DR 10 / -
Speed: 40 ft., Climb 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee: Bite +27 (8d6+24 P Crit swallow whole), or stomp +27 (8d8+24 B Crit knockdown), or tail slap +27 (8d4+24 Crit knockdown)
Ranged: Parallax Optical Laser +24 (4d6+14 F Crit Burn 2d6), Wyrm dragon Gland (18d6+14 Ref DC 20), or Blue star plasma array (5d10+14 E&F, Crit burn 4d4), and Glacier ice launcher (8d12+14 B&C Crit Knockdown)
Space: 20 ft., Reach: 20 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Swallow whole, trample (8d8+24 B Crit knockdown)
Str +10; Dex +5; Con +3; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +25, athletics +30, intimidate +30
Feats: improved initiative, shot on the run
Other Abilities: Rocket packs
Gear: climbing suckers, darkvision capacitors, enhanced echolocators, Parallax Optical Laser
Languages: Understands common, cannot speak
Environment: Any
Organization: solitary, pair, or pack (3–6)
Special Abilities
Hardened Dermal Plates (Ex): The augmented T-rex has heavy plating around its body, giving it excellent damage reduction and upon each shoulder is a heavy weapon mount. As a full round action, the creature can fire both weapons at once until it runs out of ammunition.
Rocket Packs (Ex): As a movement action, the T-rex can activate a set of rocket packs attached to its back. This gives the creature the ability to fly for short periods of time. The creature can use this for a maximum of 10 minutes per day before the fuel is depleted and must be replenished.
Swallow whole (Ex): The creature is able to potentially swallow whole any creature it bites which is at least one category size smaller. See page 156-157 of the Alien Archive for more information.
Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the creature can move up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. The T-Rex merely has to move over the opponents in its path. The creature does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can make a REF save (DC 20) for half damage. If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling Dino due to the creature’s movement. The Augmented dino can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round.
Involuntary Mutation Activation (drawback)
Type: Physical, Mental, Plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Warrior, Arachnid Type CR 4 XP 1,200
Neutral large vermin
Init +7; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
Defense HP 50
EAC: 16; KAC: 18
Fort: +8 (+18); Ref: +6; Will: +3
Defensive Abilities: DR 5 / - Energy Resistance 5 (all); Immunities: Poison, radiation
Speed: 60 ft., burrow 20 ft.
Melee: two claws +8 (1d6+9 S Crit wound), or 1 bite +12 (1d8+9 S)
Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Lethal claws
Str +5; Dex +3; Con +1; Int -; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +10, athletics +15
Feats: Cleave, improved initiative
Other Abilities: Climber, hardened survivor
Languages: None
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, small groups (1d6), medium groups (2d8+2), large groups (4d10+4), swarms (hundreds to millions)
Special Abilities
Climber (Ex): The creature is capable of moving its full speed when traversing walls. It does not require an Athletics roll, unless it is trying to cross ceilings or difficult terrain.
Hardened Survivor (Ex): The warrior is completely immune to poisons and radiation, and it is able to withstand extreme conditions, even utter vacuum. Whenever the beast must make a saving Fortitude saving throw when dealing with environmental conditions, it gains a +10.
Lethal claws (Ex): If the warrior manages to successfully strike with both claws, it will get an automatic bite attack without having to make an successful to hit roll.
Combat Empathy
Type: Mental
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: At will
Velociraptor - Augmented Combatant CR 4 XP 1,200
Natural medium animal (technological)
Init +9; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low light vision; Perception +10
Defense HP 50
EAC: 16; KAC: 18
Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +3
Defensive Abilities: Evasion
Speed: 60 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee: Bite +12 (1d4+7 P) or two claws +8 (1d6+7 S Crit wound)
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +1; +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +19, athletics +15, stealth +10 (+20 if standing still)
Feats: Improved initiative, step up
Other Abilities: Powerful leap
Gear: Climbing suckers, darkvision capacitors
Languages: Understand common, cannot speak
Environment: Warm plains, forests and jungles
Organization: solitary, pair, or pack (3–12)
Special Abilities
Chameleon Skin (Ex): Through genetic engineering, this velociraptor has gained the ability to blend into the background as long as it remains still. This gives the creature a +10 to Stealth rolls. If the creature moves, the bonus is lost. It requires a single round for the Velociraptor’s flesh to match the surroundings.
Evasion (Ex): Whenever the Velociraptor is subjected to a reflex save to avoid half damage, it will automatically avoid all damage upon a successful save
Powerful leap (Ex): This bioware augmentation allows the Velociraptor to gain a +5 to athletics when attempting to jump. If the raptor is falling, the Velociraptor is allowed an acrobatics check (DC 25) to land on its feet and reduce any falling damage by 20 feet.
Impaired Regeneration Capability (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Dimensional Dragon Combatant CR 12 XP 19,200
Neutral huge outsider (extradimensional)
Init +0; Senses: Blindsight (life-force 1000 feet), Darkvision 240 feet; Perception +27
Defense HP 200
EAC: 26; KAC: 28
Fort: +14; Ref: +10; Will: +16
Immunities: Cold, energy, vacuum
Speed: N/A
Melee: 1d3+4 tentacles +26 (3d6+24 B per tentacle)
Space: 15 ft., Reach: 30 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Psychic Assault, tentacle assault
Str +12; Dex +0; Con +5; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Intimidate +22 survival +22
Other Abilities: Debilitating roar, dream hunter
Languages: None
Environment: Any starship or technological ruin
Organization: Solitary
Special Abilities
Debilitating Roar (Ex): The creature emits a constant roar, which can be very disconcerting and anyone hearing it must make a Will save (DC 19) suffer -2 to hit, saving throws, and skill checks as long as they can hear the beast.
Dream Hunter (Su): Often the creature will make its lair somewhere near a technologically advanced society. Once per day, it will randomly sense a sleeping intelligent creature. It will fill the targets mind with the images of whatever ship or ruin it inhabits, dropping hints at what kind of wonderful technological treasure might be waiting to be found. The victim is allowed a Will save (DC 19) and if it succeeds, the victim will be filled with a dread, knowing that something horrifying is waiting to turn the victim into its next meal. Otherwise, the victim will gain an instinctual knowledge of where the ruin or the ship is located and do whatever it can to travel to that location.
Psychic Assault (Su): This beast is capable of sensing the life-force of anyone within 1000 feet. As long as the beast can sense the victim the dimensional dragon can, as a move action, make the psychic assault. The victim is allowed a Will save (DC 19). If the save fails, and the victim is beyond the grasp of the creature, the victim must move towards the creature at its maximum movement rate. The creature will guide it, ensuring it takes the shortest route to get to the creature. Once the victim is within the beasts range, the victim is then paralyzed with terror and cannot act. This will allow the creature to grab the victim and shove it into its maw to be consumed. The victim is allowed a saving throw every round to break free of the effects of this attack.
Tentacle Assault (Ex): For each tentacle which strikes the target, the grapple penalty is reduced by 2. So if four tentacles strike, instead of the victim gaining +13 to its KAC, the victim only gains a +5.
Defensive Toxic Cysts
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Power score divided by two in days.
AI Recognition: +1
Damage: See description
Uses: 1 cyst for every 3 points of Power Score
Toxic Cloud (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Power score in feet, centered on the mutant plant
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Dazzling Display
Type: Plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: 75 plus three times the power score in feet.
Duration: See description
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Hardman Version 2.0 Combatant CR 7 XP 3,200
Neutral medium construct (Technological)
Init +5; Senses. Darkvision 60 feet, low light vision, Blindsight (thermal) 60 feet; Perception +14
Defense HP 105
EAC: 19; KAC: 23
Fort: +7; Ref: +7; Will: +4
Defensive Abilities: DR 7 / - ricochet; Immunities: construct, unliving
Speed: 40 ft.
Melee: Bite +18 (2d10+13 S Crit wound) or 3 claws +14 (1d12+13 S Crit bleed 1d6)
Ranged: +14 (Weapon damage +7)
Space: 5 ft., Reach: 15 ft. (claw only)
Offensive Abilities: Extend reach
Str +6; Dex +5; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Acrobatics +14, athletics +19, intimidate +14
Feats: Step up
Other Abilities: Predict movement, thermal vision
Languages: Understands common, cannot speak otherwise.
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, pairs, or small groups (2d3+1)
Special Abilities
Extend Reach (Ex): When using its claw attacks, the creature can extend its reach up to 15 feet.
Predict Movement (Ex): As a move action, the construct is able to predict a path its prey is going to use. As such the construct gains a +2 to its AC.
Ricochet (Ex): If an attacker ever uses a projectile ranged weapon such as a bullet and misses by 5 or more, anyone standing within 20 feet of the robot make a Ref save (DC 15) or be struck by the attack! If there are multiple targets, choose one at random.
Thermal Vision (Ex): The Hardman is able to see through solid objects. The range of this vision is 60 feet, and gives it a bonus of +5 to vision-based perception.
Involuntary Freezing (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Burrowing Horror Combatant CR 8 XP 4,800
Neutral large vermin
Init +4; Senses: Blindsight (Bones) 200 ft., Blindsight (vibration) 240 ft., Darkvision 60 ft. ; Perception +16
Defense HP 125
EAC: 20; KAC: 25
Fort: +12; Ref: +10; Will: +7
Defensive Abilities: Absorb bones, DR 8 / blunt; Immunities: Acid, disease, poison
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Bite +19 (single bite), +15 (multiple bites) (1d10+12 P) +12 claw (1d6+12 S)
Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Blood to acid
Str +4; Dex +4; Con +4; Int -; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +16, perception +16, stealth +21
Other Abilities: Absorb bones, poison water
Languages: None
Environment: Any temperate plains
Organization: Solitary, small group (1d3+1)
Special Abilities
Absorb Bones (Su): Any creature killed by this creature will be absorbed into the creature’s body. This requires a single full round action, and It will automatically gain a number of hit points equal to half of the victim’s original hit point total. Any creature absorbed in such a manner is permanently dead. It can use this ability at will.
Blood to Acid (Ex): When the creature bites, it injects a chemical which causes the water molecules to become altered, binding with the water molecules in the blood to become a powerful acid. Anyone struck by this ability (through a bite attack) is allowed a Fort Save DC 16. If the save fails, the toxin will inflict 2d8+8 points of damage per round for 1d4 rounds, as the very blood of the victim begins to eat its way from the inside out. If the victim’s hit points are reduced to below zero, the creature’s entire organic matter will have melted away, leaving behind a skeleton, ripe for the mutant monster to use.
Poison water (Ex): By spending at least 3 rounds in any form of water, it will take on the toxic properties of acid. This will not be readily noticeable at first – someone drinking or entering a contaminated water source will not notice anything is amiss for 1d4 rounds. After that, the acid will begin to take effect. Moving through a contaminated source will inflict 2d8+8 points of damage per round, as long as the creature remains inside the medium. As soon as it leaves, the damage will stop. Anyone drinking the liquid will suffer the same damage as listed in the blood to acid ability, for the same duration as if they were injected.
Type: Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Power score in feet
Duration: 1d3 plus the power score modifier rounds
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: At will.
Hypersomnia (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Defensive Mutation Activation
Type: Physical, Plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Thermal Sensitivity (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Damage Absorption
Type: Physical, plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Five times power additional hit points
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Damage Absorption Table
Roll |
Damage Type |
1 |
Acid |
2 |
Blunt |
3 |
Cold |
4 |
Cutting or piercing |
5 |
Electrical |
6 |
Light |
7 |
Poison |
8 |
Psionic (mental) |
9 |
Radiation |
10 |
Sonic |
11 |
Thermal |
12 |
Choose one of the above |
Imprecise Memory Retention (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Ability Adjustments: Dex +2, Cha +2, Int -2
Hit points: 6
Movement: 30 feet.
Size and Type: Lamia is large monstrous humanoids with reptilian subtype.
Space: 10 ft. Reach: 5 ft.
Skill Adjustments: The Lamia gain acrobatics and Athletics as a class skill with a +2 racial bonus to both. +2 Fort saves vs. Poisons.
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60 ft., poison bite, thermal vision (60 feet), immune to Lamia poison
Cold Vulnerability: The Lamia suffers a -2 to any saving throw involving a Cold Effect. Also if the Lamia is reduced to less than half her current hit point total, she must make a Fort save (with the penalty) DC is 10+damage inflicted which reduced her hit points to less than half, or become staggered. She will lose the staggered condition after the damage has been healed. The only advantage is that if she is reduced to zero hit points or less from a cold-based attack, it does not kill her, instead she goes into a state of hibernation until the cold damage has been healed.
Constriction: A Lamia can crush an opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, when it makes a successful grapple check. Any creature grappled is considered to be pinned. The damage is 1d6+str+ ½ level in damage.
Lamia poison – Type: poison (injury), Save: Fort DC 10 + CR or Level of Lamia, Track: constitution, Frequency: 1/minute, Effect standard, Cure: 1 save. Lamia are naturally immune to this poison.
Poison Bite: The lamia gains a natural attack ability bite. Damage is 1d4+Str + ½ level, plus poison.
Thermal Vision: This type of vision allows the Lamia to see in complete darkness. Everything it sees will be in shades of blue to white, with the warmer the heat source, the brighter the white. If there are no differences in the heat of the location, it can still make out shapes, but will have difficulty in perceiving depth. As such any ranged attacks in an environment where the temperature is uniform will suffer a -2 to hit.
Unusual Shape: Due to the Lamia’s body structure, any armor and clothing needs to be custom-made. This increases the cost by 50%.
Racial Feats:
Crushing Constriction (Racial)
Prerequisite: Strength 15+, BAB 5+, Lamia
Benefit: The constriction attack’s damage is increased to 1d10 and the damage bonus is increased to the Lamia’s level instead of ½ the level.
Crushing Constriction, greater (Racial)
Prerequisite: Strength 15+, BAB 10+, Lamia
Benefit: The constriction attack’s damage is increased to 2d8 and the damage bonus is increased by the Lamia’s level x 1.5.
Mystical Connection
Prerequisite: Mystic class, Lamia
Benefit: The Lamia has a more powerful connection to the mystic arts, and as such all spells are cast as if two levels higher than the Lamia’s actual level.
Potent Poison (Racial)
Prerequisite: BAB +5, Lamia
Benefit: The Fort DC save to avoid the effects of the Lamia’s poison is increased by +2.
Powerful bite (Racial)
Prerequisite: Strength 13+, BAB +3, Lamia.
Benefit: The Lamia’s bite damage increases to 1d6 gains a bonus to damage equal to her level.
Type: Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: At will.
Ahl Combatant CR 2 XP 600
Chaotic evil medium outsider (cold, evil, extra planar)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 120 feet; Perception +7
Defense HP 25
EAC: 15; KAC: 17
Fort: +5; Ref: +7; Will: +2
Immunities: cold
Weakness: Light vulnerability
Speed: 40 ft.
Melee: Bite +11 (1d6+6) or two claws +7 (1d4+4)
Str +4; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +12, stealth +7 (+17)
Feats: Improved initiative
Other Abilities: Cling, darkness disciples, douse lights
Languages: Abyssal, common, infernal
Environment: Caves, underground
Organization: Solitary, small packs (1d4+1), Medium packs (2d6+2), large packs (4d8+4), hoards (6d12+6)
Special Abilities
Cling (Ex): Like a spider or insect, the Ahl is capable of clinging to any surface. It gains its full movement even if it is running on a wall or ceiling.
Darkness disciples (Ex): With darkness being their natural environment, the creatures gain a +10 to stealth whenever dim light or shadows are present. If they are in actual darkness, the creatures are invisible.
Douse Light (Su): The Ahl are capable of extinguishing any light source that they can see. This is a magical ability that essentially places a globe of darkness over the light source. It does not drain power, put out fire or anything along that line. The ability can be used at will, and it lasts until the Ahl voluntarily turns off the ability or is killed. The Ahl can only extinguish one light at a time.
Light Vulnerability (Ex): The creature is susceptible to light. Even dim light causes it pain. If exposed to light above dim, it suffers a -2 to hit, and anything above normal may blind it temporarily. If exposed to normal light or greater, it must make a Fort save (DC 13) or become blinded. This will last for as long as the creature is exposed to the light. Furthermore, if the creature is hit by any weapon which employs light, such as a laser, it suffers an additional +1 damage per dice, and must automatically save or be blinded.
Hyper Necrosis (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: +3
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Damage Reduction
Type: Physical, Plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Damage Reduction Type Table
Roll |
Damage Type |
1 |
Kinetic |
2 |
Piercing |
3 |
Light |
4 |
Sonic |
5 |
Thermal |
6 |
Cold |
7 |
Energy |
8 |
Poison |
9 |
Radiation |
10 |
Toxin |
11-12 |
Choose Type |
Note if the result is toxin; consult the toxic weapon table to determine the exact type of toxin the mutant is immune to.
M.A.R.K. 13 Combatant CR 6 XP 2,400
Neutral medium construct (technological)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision 120 ft., Blindsight (thermal) 200 ft.; Perception +13
Defense HP 120
EAC: 18; KAC: 24
Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +3
Defensive Abilities: Cannot be flanked, DR 5 / -; Immunities: Cold, fire, unliving
Weakness: Electricity
Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee: 3 claws +13 (1d8+11 B&S Crit stagger DC 14), or one buzz-saw +17 (2d6+11 S Crit bleed 1d4), or stinger Injection +17 (1d4+11 P plus toxin injection)
Ranged: Built-in laser +16 (2d6+6 F Crit burn 1d6) or up to 3 shots at +12 per shot.
Offensive Abilities: Toxic injection
Str +5; Dex +2; Con -; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +13, computers +18, engineering +18
Reach: 10 ft. (stinger only)
Other Abilities: Lexicon, rebuild
Languages: Any spoken
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, fire-team (1d3+1), section (3d3) or platoon (6d6)
Special Abilities
Electricity Vulnerability (Ex): The MARK 13 robots are vulnerable when it comes to electrical attacks, taking an additional +1 damage per dice. When the construct faces electrical damage, it must make a Fort save (DC 10 + half the damage inflicted) or become staggered for 1 round.
Lexicon (Ex): The MARK 13 has a lexicon of all known languages and is fully capable of speaking and understanding any spoken language it encounters.
Rebuild (Ex): The MARK 13 are exceedingly difficult to destroy. Even if the construct is reduced to 0 hit points, it can, as long as the supplies are in close proximity, rebuild itself. The MARK 13 is able to send out swarms of nanites and they can strip away the materials it requires. The construct is able to repair 6 points of damage per day until it regains at least 1 hit point. After this it will regain one hit point per hour, until it is fully restored. The only way to permanently destroy one of these constructs is to expose it to an EMP attack or an electrical current for at least 1 minute (inflicting at least 1 point of damage per round).
Toxic Injection (Ex): The MARK 13 has a single stinger attack. Anyone struck by the stinger takes the damage, and must make a Fort save DC 14 or suffer from the effects of the toxin it contains. The MARK 13 can inject the toxin every time it strikes.
MARK 13 Toxin
Type: Drug (Injury) Save: Fort DC 14, Track Constitution, Onset: 1 round, Frequency: 1 /round until death or saves, Cure: 2 consecutive rounds Effect: Victim feels euphoria during this period and sees visions and are incapable of any action until cured.
Splinter (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Complete Wing Development
Type: Physical, plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: +3
Damage: Can be used to strike in combat. Damage is based on creature size plus Strength modifier, plus Power Score modifier (negatives will count!) Only exception is the bone wings, see description.
Uses: Constant
Complete wing table
Roll |
Type |
Effect |
1-4 |
Complete Wings |
The mutant has developed a complete set of bird-like wings. With these wings the mutant can fly with a movement of 150’ (50’). The mutant may fly while carrying a load equal to their light load capacity. |
5-6 |
Gliding |
The mutant has very large wings that allow flight over long distances. The mutant can fly 500 miles without resting along the way, but require a good night’s rest after landing. The mutant also needs a wide-open space to both take off and land. Although similar to gliding flaps listed under Aberrant form: (Xenomorphism), they are different and have different game effects. |
7-8 |
Dragonfly |
The mutant has two pairs of wings that allow it to fly nearly twice as fast 240’ (80’) as those with bird-like wings. The wings however, are fragile and easily break. But they also heal, unlike true insect wings. Any attack from behind the mutant has a 50% change of rendering the wings useless for 30 days minus the power score. The mutant cannot use these wings in combat without risk of damage to them. |
9 |
Elytra |
The mutant has a thick covering that protects the wings. This can be almost anything from actual bone or cartilage to thick, leather-like skin flaps. When the mutant uses the wings. The Elytra opens up and reveals the thinner, more delicate wings beneath. Treat as Dragonfly wings but unless the mutant is in flight, there is no chance that the wings might be damaged. The case also provides a bonus of -2 to the mutant’s AC when attacked from the rear. |
10 |
Bone |
The mutant’s wings are actual extensions of the skeletal structure. They are heavy and very tough, with a fine but strong interlacing structure of bone between the main structures, allowing the mutant to fly. Due to the structure of the wings, the mutant gains a -2 to its AC when dealing with attacks from the rear. Also when the mutant attacks with the wings, they gain a bonus to damage equal to 2 times the power score modifier (always minimum of 2 points). These wings, due to the heavy structure, allow the mutant a flight speed of only 90’ (30’) |
11-12 |
Player chooses |
The player chooses the type of wings it gains. |
Epilepsy (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Five plus half the power score rounds.
AI Recognition: None
Damage: 1d2 plus the power score modifier per round
Uses: Constant
Type: Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: 20 times the power score in feet
Duration: Half the power score in minutes
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus power score per hour.
Couch Corpse Combatant CR 4 XP 1,200
Neutral evil large undead
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft. Blindsense (life force 120 feet); Perception +16
Defense HP 100
EAC: 16; KAC: 18
Fort: +6; Ref: +0; Will: +5
Defensive Abilities: DR 5 /slashing and piercing; Immunities: Acid, fire, undead immunities, unliving,
Speed: 0 feet. (incapable of movement)
Melee: Bite +12 (1d12+10 P Crit filth fever disease) or two claws +8 (1d6 S Crit filth fever disease)
Ranged: Poltergeist +9 (1d8+4 Crit knockdown)
Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Poltergeist, swallow whole
Str +6; Dex +0; Con -; Int -2; Wis +3; Cha +0
Skills: Intimidate +10
Other Abilities: Horrendous stench, irresistible pull
Languages: Common
Environment: Any urban or suburban
Organization: Solitary
Special Abilities
Horrendous stench (Ex): Due to the rot of the corpse as well as the squallid conditions of its home, anyone approaching within 30 feet of the creature must make a Fort save (DC 15) or become sickened. As long as they remain within the area of effect this will remain, but once they are out of the range, it will remain for only 1d4 rounds.
Irresistible Pull (Su): The Couch Corpse is able to draw anything within its line of sight towards it. This ability can be used as a free action and can only affect one target at a time. The victim is allowed a Will save (DC 13). If it fails the victim will approach the couch corpse to within striking distance and will be forced to remain there until it successfully makes a will save.
Poltergeist (Su): Being incapable of moving, the couch corpse is able to lift any object around it and hurl it at any target within 100 feet. This is a full round action and is a ranged attack. It can also use this ability to pull any medium or smaller sized creature towards it. The target is allowed a Will save (DC 13) to avoid being drawn towards the creature.
Swallow whole (Ex): The couch corpse is able to potentially swallow whole any creature it bites which is at least one category size smaller. See page 156-157 of the Alien Archive for more information.
Hyperhidrosis (Drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Complete Cellular Regeneration
Type: Physical, plant
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus power score modifier per week