5th Edition D&D ‘Abjuration’ Spells

While developing 5th Edition D&D material I found myself wishing I had lists of spells from the Player's Handbook organized by their schools of magic and proceeded to start creating them for myself and anyone else who might find them to be useful! This article contains all the Abjuration spells from the book organized first in alphabetical order and then by level.
While developing 5th Edition D&D material for my Skirmisher Publishing, I found myself wishing I had lists of spells from the Player's Handbook organized by their schools of magic and proceeded to start creating them for myself and anyone else who might find them to be useful! Following are all the Abjuration spells from the book organized first in alphabetical order and then by level. These lists follow those I created for 5th Edition D&D "Divination" Spells, 5th Edition D&D "Illusion" Spells, 5th Edition D&D "Necromancy" Spells, and 5th Edition D&D "Ritual" Spells.
D&D 5th Edition Abjuration Spells (Alphabetical)
Aid (2nd)
Alarm (1st)
Antilife Shell (5th)
Antimagic Field (8th)
Arcane Lock (2nd)
Armor of Agathys (1st)
Aura of Life (4th)
Aura of Purity (4th)
Banishing Smith (5th)
Banishment (4th)
Beacon of Hope (3rd)
Blade Ward (cantrip)
Circle of Power (5th)
Counterspell (3rd)
Death Ward (4th)
Dispel Evil and Good (5th)
Dispel Magic (3rd)
Forbiddance (6th)
Freedom of Movement (4th)
Globe of Invulnerability (6th)
Glyph of Warding (3rd)
Greater Restoration (5th)
Guards and Wards (6th)
Holy Aura (8th)
Imprisonment (9th)
Lesser Restoration (2nd)
Mage Armor (1st)
Magic Circle (3rd)
Mind Blank (8th)
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum (4th)
Nondetection (3rd)
Pass without Trace (2nd)
Planar Binding (5th)
Prismatic Wall (9th)
Protection from Energy (3rd)
Protection from Evil and Good (1st)
Protection from Poison (2nd)
Remove Curse (3rd)
Resistance (cantrip)
Sanctuary (1st)
Shield (1st)
Shield of Faith (1st)
Stoneskin (4th)
Symbol (7th)
Warding Bond (2nd)
D&D 5th Edition Abjuration Spells (By Level)
Blade Ward (cantrip)
Resistance (cantrip)
1st Level
Alarm (1st)
Armor of Agathys (1st)
Mage Armor (1st)
Protection from Evil and Good (1st)
Sanctuary (1st)
Shield (1st)
Shield of Faith (1st)
2nd Level
Aid (2nd)
Arcane Lock (2nd)
Lesser Restoration (2nd)
Pass without Trace (2nd)
Protection from Poison (2nd)
Warding Bond (2nd)
3rd Level
Beacon of Hope (3rd)
Counterspell (3rd)
Dispel Magic (3rd)
Glyph of Warding (3rd)
Magic Circle (3rd)
Nondetection (3rd)
Protection from Energy (3rd)
Remove Curse (3rd)
4th Level
Aura of Life (4th)
Aura of Purity (4th)
Banishment (4th)
Death Ward (4th)
Freedom of Movement (4th)
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum (4th)
Stoneskin (4th)
5th Level
Antilife Shell (5th)
Banishing Smith (5th)
Circle of Power (5th)
Dispel Evil and Good (5th)
Greater Restoration (5th)
Planar Binding (5th)
6th Level
Forbiddance (6th)
Globe of Invulnerability (6th)
Guards and Wards (6th)
7th Level
Symbol (7th)
8th Level
Antimagic Field (8th)
Holy Aura (8th)
Mind Blank (8th)
9th Level
Imprisonment (9th)
Prismatic Wall (9th)