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Starfinder: T-800 Terminator


After several weeks of a much-needed break, I'm back! For the next couple of months I will be converting the various Terminators and weapon systems from the movies and games. Here is tonight's first conversion, the Iconic T-800 Infiltrator. A special thanks to Alec Adams (link to his work in the article) for allowing me to use this image of 'Cameron' from the Sarah Conner Chronicles!

Introduced nearly at the same time as the new T-800 Infiltrator Terminators, the M-27 became the standard weapon used by Skynet’s forces on the battlefield.

Based on theoretical designs that were discovered by the AI known as Skynet, the Westinghouse M-27 Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle went through a large number of changes and modifications before at long last the final model was put into production.  It is a plasma-based weapon, which can burn through most types of armor. The bullpup configuration allows for a larger magazine capacity (taking two 80 charge power cells at a time), and the weapon is quite heavy and difficult for most human’s to wield, although this is not an issue for the Skynet forces.

The weapon was designed to send heavy firepower downrange, and each pull of the trigger would send a burst of intense purple, which could blow a human-body apart. Few could survive the wounds inflicted by these weapons. Often the weapon would cause combustible materials to burst into flame, which could spell the doom of the hapless soul who happened to be struck by a glancing blow.

Skynet Terminator, Hunter Killer and Weapons Index

Starfinder Creature Index

Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology, and the recently released 'Swords of Kos: The Rite'. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.

Westinghouse M-27 Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle (Longarm)











M-27 20 Watt Rifle



1d8 E&F

75 ft.

Burn 1d6

80 (2 40 charge batteries)



Automatic, burst fire, unwieldy

M-27 40 Watt Rifle



2d10 E&F

75 ft.

Burn 2d6




Automatic, burst fire, unwieldy  

M-27 60 Watt Rifle



3d12 E&F

75 Ft.

Burn 3d6




Automatic, burst fire, unwieldy

M-27 80 Watt Rifle



5d12 E&F

125 ft.

Burn 5d6




Automatic, burst fire, unwieldy

M-27 100 Watt Rifle



10d12 E&F

150 ft.

Burn 10d6




Automatic, burst fire, unwieldy

Burst Fire

This is an optional rule which allows the shooter to fire a single ‘burst’ of rounds. The average burst is usually 3 rounds or charges (depending on the usage of the weapon in question) per pull of the trigger. Firing a burst incurs a penalty of -2 to hit, but the damage of the attack is increased by 25% (round down). This consumes the equivalent of 3 full shots (rounds or charges, so that if the weapon would use 4 rounds or charges for a single shot, using it on burst fire will now consume 12 charges). The burst will affect only a single target.

T-800 Terminator Combatant CR 5 XP 1,600

Neutral medium construct

Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +11


Defense                                                             HP 70

EAC: 17; KAC: 20 (or by armor type)

Fort: +7; Ref: +5; Will: +2

Defensive Abilities: Hyper-alloy combat chassis; Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Two punches +7 (1d6+12 B, crit knockdown) or by weapon type

Ranged: Two shots +10 (by weapon type +7 damage) or by weapon type

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Detailed anatomy files



Str +5; Dex +3; Con -; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +16, disguise +21, intimidate +11, piloting +11

Feats: Cleave, deadly aim, strike back

Other Abilities: Infiltrator, will not stop

Languages: Common



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, small hunting packs (1d3+1), medium packs (2d4+3), large hunting packs (3d6+10)


Special Abilities

Detailed anatomy files (Ex): The Terminator has detailed files of humanoid anatomy. As a result, it automatically gains a damage bonus equal to half the Terminators CR rating (rounded down). Also anytime the Terminator gains a critical hit, any DC save increases by +2.

Hyper-Alloy combat chassis (Ex): The skeletal structure of the terminator is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. As a result, the terminator gains a DR / - equal to its CR against all physical attacks. Futher more, the terminator gains a +2 to all Fort saves.

Infiltrator (Ex): The exterior of the T-800 is living tissue. It can be healed using medicine, and appears completely human. As a result, the Terminator gains a +10 to disguise checks when attempting to infiltrate. As the Terminator takes damage, the flesh will suffer. Once the terminator has taken 50 points of damage, the flesh has been utterly eliminated. As long as at least one hit point of flesh remains, it can heal naturally through medicine or 5 points per 24 hour period; otherwise it can be regrown at a Skynet facility. Obviously if the flesh is destroyed or heavily damaged, the true nature of the Terminator is quite obvious.  For every 10 points of ‘flesh’ damage the terminator has suffered, it gains a -2 to the disguise check to pass as human.

Will not stop (Ex): When the terminator reaches zero hit points, it automatically ‘heals’ 20 points of damage on its next turn. This allows the terminator to continue to fight, although this can only be used once. After the additional hit points have been lost, the Terminator is destroyed.