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New Mutant Monday Series Two #54 - Blackbird Howler


The Chimerians strike once again. This time they have decided to see if they could create something nature never intended – or man, for that matter.

By genetically combining the Silverback Gorilla and the common raven, they have created a truly bizarre chimera which have left many people who have seen the strange little beasts scratching their heads in bewilderment.

The creatures are significantly smaller than the gorilla, but quite a bit larger and heavier than the raven. The average specimen is about four feet in height, and they weigh in excess of one hundred pounds. The body is that of a raven, but the head is pure gorilla.

For the most part, the creatures are quite skittish, and prefer to stay away from potential predators. They live in small flocks, almost like gorilla troop of old, and just like their ape ancestors, they have an alpha male who leads and protects the troop. This is not necessarily the strongest male; instead it is the most intelligent male present which takes this leadership role. They live high in trees, or in not easily accessible ruins or areas which will provide natural protection against predators.

They do pair off for mating purposes. The females will lay up to four eggs, which require a month to gestate. The young quickly grow to sexual maturity within a single year, and although they are watched over by the entire troop, they are carefully guarded and cared for by the mated pair.

Although not that imposing, the creatures can be quite dangerous when provoked into combat. They can use their talons to great effect, but instead of pecking, they can and will deliver a painful bite. What gave them their unique name is their ability to howl. This is an area effect weapon, and will cause 3d6 points of sonic-based damage, centered on the creature. Those with increased senses (hearing) will take double damage. These creatures are likewise immune to sonic-based attacks. They can use this ability once per day, and are careful enough to not use it at the same time as another member of their flock if multiple members are engaged in combat.

When not engaged in fighting, they love to sing. This is a very bizarre mixture of caws, clicks, and whistles, which also include grunts and ape-like howls.

They live off diets of fruit, grains, and insects. They are also quite partial to shiny objects and love to snatch shiny coins to line their nests and communal homes with. Sometimes gemstones and jewellery can likewise be found in their homes.

Mutations: Aberrant form (natural weapons, xenomorphism - chimera), immunity (sonics), shriek (modified)

Series Two Index

No. Enc: 2d12
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90’ (30’) ground
                  210’ (70’) Fly
AC: 5
HD: 2
Attacks: 1 bite, 2 claws and sonic howl
Damage: 1d6, 1d4+3 / 1d4+3, see description
Save: L2
Morale: 5
Hoard Class: I, II, III, X, XIII (70% both types)