New Mutant Monday Series Two Index

As with the first year of New Mutant Monday creations, this index will catalog all the creatures I create for series two.
Abyssal Biter (entry 72)
Acid Hound (entry 51)
Adimant-Worms (entry 78)
Air Torp (entry 35)
Anatig (entry 60)
Ashikubi Hitokuchi (entry 19)
Atama Ni Shika (entry 84)
Beaore (entry 104)
Beetle Bats (entry 66)
Bien Mat Con Tho (entry 20)
Bisonoid (entry 97)
Biting Seeds (entry 36)
Blackbird Howler (entry 54)
Blue Shell (entry 25)
Bullion (entry 23)
Camicat (entry 11)
Cheogchu Sailen (entry 87)
Chiczilla (entry 1)
Coastal Reaver (entry 52)
Concrilizard (entry 75)
Cranium Sluice (entry 93)
Crocobear (entry 18)
Dark Crawlers (entry 29)
Deep Burrower (entry 41)
Deer Folk (entry 85)
Doppler Mullein (entry 73)
Dread Bees (entry 3)
Driguar (entry 55)
Elecminoos (entry 13)
Elemental Equine (entry 45)
Evechanelp (entry 89)
Explobug (entry 79)
Far Lashers (entry 31)
Killing Claws (entry 47)
Fukusu Atama Weasel (entry 22)
Fungal Puff-head (entry 26)
Fuzzy Trappers (entry 81)
Gesshirui Kao (entry 32)
Glowing Thirst (entry 46)
Gyakuryu (entry 63)
Hambai (entry 99)
Hareless (entry 7)
Horrible Adaptor (entry 74)
Hunched Mocker (entry 33)
Intoxicator (entry 21)
Invisi-Shrimp (entry 34)
Jackal Ghoul (entry 91)
Killing Claws (entry 47)
Kowl (entry 67)
Krinkler (entry 98)
Kakushitsu Savage (entry 69)
Lansqui (entry 56)
Lashing Mole Rat (entry 39)
Leecher Crab (entry 57)
Mantii (entry 82)
Marsh Terror (entry 49)
Memory Slime (entry 43)
Mouthed Hoarder (entry 40)
Nars (entry 90)
Nagafem (entry 103)
Nocbulea (entry 53)
Ocean Webbers (entry 95)
Octocacti (entry 8)
Ostricam (entry 58)
Owbeark (entry 70)
Petalmonk (entry 100)
Plains Walker (entry 38)
Progget (entry 12)
Puffer Tails (entry 77)
Pustuloid (entry 10)
Qalup (entry 59)
Rainbow Bees (entry 80)
Ravenous Stilts (entry 24)
Reptiloci (entry 50)
Rhinark (entry 96)
Roiders (entry 86)
Scorpinoid (entry 61)
Screaming Fungus (entry 5)
Sealoid (entry 48)
Selachimorpha (entry 62)
Sewer Stalker (entry 94)
Sleipnir (entry 101)
Speedster (entry 28)
Spiny Stalker (entry 37)
Squifungi (entry 71)
Strigiforms (entry 92)
Storm Khan (entry 42)
Stutterers (entry 14)
Sup Salam-ui (entry 64)
Swamp Fiend (entry 9)
Tall Crocs (entry 44)
Tenti-hands (entry 4)
Thin Hunter (entry 83)
Time Jumper (entry 30)
Umbral (entry 80)
Unhurried (entry 16)
Vegarep (entry 17)
Voltapume (entry 102)
Wasupu Tara (entry 65)
Wileys (entry 27)
Wiziars (entry 76)
Wolf Spider (entry 6)
Xanarachs (entry 68)
Zant (entry 2)
Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.