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5th Edition D&D ‘Divination’ Spells

While developing 5th Edition D&D material for my Skirmisher Publishing, I found myself wishing I had a list of all the Divination spells from the Player's Handbook, and so I went ahead and created one! I figured other people might find such a list useful and have, accordingly, posted it here twice, once with the spells simply in alphabetical order and once with them organized by level. Be sure to also check out our lists of 5th Edition D&D "Abjuration" Spells5th Edition D&D "Illusion" Spells5th Edition D&D "Necromancy" Spells, and 5th Edition D&D "Ritual" Spells

D&D 5th Edition Divination Spells (Alphabetical)

Arcane Eye (4th)

Augury (2nd)

Beast Sense (2nd)

Clairvoyance (3rd)

Commune (5th)

Commune with Nature (5th)

Comprehend Languages (1st)

Contact Other Plane (5th)

Detect Evil and Good (1st)

Detect Magic (1st)

Detect Poison and Disease (1st)

Detect Thoughts (2nd)

Divination (4th)

Find the Path (6th)

Find Traps (2nd)

Foresight (9th)

Guidance (cantrip)

Hunter’s Mark (1st)

Identify (1st)

Legend Lore (5th)

Locate Animals or Plants (2nd)

Locate Creature (4th)

Locate Object (2nd)

Rary’s Telepathic Bond (5th)

Scrying (5th)

See Invisibility (2nd)

Speak with Animals (1st)

Tongues (3rd)

True Seeing (6th)

True Strike (cantrip)

D&D 5th Edition Divination Spells (By Level)


Guidance (cantrip)

True Strike (cantrip)

1st Level

Comprehend Languages (1st)

Detect Evil and Good (1st)

Detect Poison and Disease (1st)

Hunter’s Mark (1st)

Identify (1st)

Speak with Animals (1st)

2nd Level

Augury (2nd)

Beast Sense (2nd)

Detect Thoughts (2nd)

Find Traps (2nd)

Locate Animals or Plants (2nd)

Locate Object (2nd)

See Invisibility (2nd)

3rd Level

Clairvoyance (3rd)

Tongues (3rd)

4th Level

Arcane Eye (4th)

Divination (4th)

Locate Creature (4th)

5th Level

Commune (5th)

Commune with Nature (5th)

Contact Other Plane (5th)

Legend Lore (5th)

Rary’s Telepathic Bond (5th)

Scrying (5th)

6th Level

Find the Path (6th)

True Seeing (6th)

7th Level


8th Level


9th Level

Foresight (9th)