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Spore Shaker: A Wondrous Item for 5e

Spore Shaker

Wondrous item, uncommon

This simple glass bottle resembles a common salt shaker but for its bronze flip-top cap and reservoir of purple fungal spores. As an action, the contents of the shaker can be sprinkled over a corpse. In the space of one minute the corpse deteriorates into nothing and in its place stands a myconid sprout. This sprout follows you and obeys your commands to the best of its ability for 1d6 days, at which point it grows into a myconid adult and leaves to pursue its own agenda. A spore shaker has spores enough to produce 1d4 myconids.

A myconid adult or myconid sovereign can take one minute to refill a spore shaker, adding enough spores to produce an additional 1d4 myconids. Spores can also be harvested from a slain myconid with one hour of work and a successful DC 15 Intelligence (nature) check. A spore shaker cannot hold enough spores to produce more than four myconids.

A rare spore shaker, known as a greater spore shaker, produces myconid adults from corpses. These adults cannot produce spores of their own until they leave their creator’s service. The legendary immaculate spore shaker produces a fully grown myconid sovereign.