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Skirmisher Releases 'Heroes and Monsters of the Necropolis' (Cardstock Characters/Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting)


Skirmisher Publishing LLC is proud to announce the release of "Heroes and Monsters of the Necropolis," a set of Cardstock CharactersTM paper miniatures based on characters and creatures from the novels Necropolis and Return to the Necropolis and the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting. They were created by artist Amanda Kahl and the accompanying text was written by author Michael O. Varhola and can be used in any sort of fantasy roleplaying games. We very much hope you will enjoy them! 

Skirmisher Publishing LLC is proud to announce the release of "Heroes and Monsters of the Necropolis," a set of Cardstock CharactersTM paper miniatures based on characters and creatures from the novels Necropolis and Return to the Necropolis and the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting. They were created by artist Amanda Kahl and the accompanying text was written by author Michael O. Varhola and can be used in any sort of fantasy roleplaying games. We very much hope you will enjoy them! 

"Heroes and Monsters of the Necropolis" is available as a " Pay What You Want" PDF download through DriveThruRPG and RPGNow. It contains 14 different custom miniatures, four of which are provided in multiple sizes and/or color schemes. They include: 

* Paros, Rogue/Alchemist

* Parthenia, Elf Barbarian

* Selene, Half-Elf Cleric

* Pumayo, Tiefling Wizard/Transmuter

* Shade of a Koan Lady

* Nithernos the Ale’er

* Corporal Conrad of the Kos City Guard

* Trodecarn, Dwarf Fighter/Combat Engineer

* Animated Shield

* Mummy/Embalmed Zombie

*“Achilles,” Animated Bronze Statue (in two sizes)

* Sarcophagi (Marble, Wood, and Ornate, in four sizes)

* Kidna, Fiendish Viper Familiar (in two color schemes and three sizes)

* Skeletal Cerberus (in three sizes)

Customers can pay what they want for this set of miniatures. We would normally charge up to $4.99 for a set of this size and variety. Recommended price for Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting Kickstarter backers or readers who have purchased Kos City, Lands Beyond Kos, or d-Infinity Volume #5: Full Circle is $1.