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‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #10: Sneak Peek at the Mill!


A number of people have asked for a look at some of the places that appear in the Platinum Edition of City Builder for which we are currently running a Kickstarter campaign and so this update is devoted to a sneak peek at the Mill!

The Mill is one of 70 places that currently appear in City Builder (a number that has thus far been increased by eight as a result of Stretch Goals that have been unlocked and which we hope will continue to grow). Those places are organized into 10 thematic chapters devoted to Craftsman, Entertainment, Professional, Tradesman, Mercantile, Service, Scholarly, Religious, Governmental, and Underworld Places, each of which currently contains between four and 11 entries. Each place varies in length but they tend to be about two pages on average, and the book overall currently has 192 pages (which will increase by approximately 16 pages as a result of the unlocked Stretch Goals).

At the moment the Mill — a Tradesman Place — occupies pages 90-93 of the Platinum Edition of City Builder and an image of both of the two-page spreads containing it appears below. It is subject to some tweaking prior to release but, like the rest of the book other than elements associated with Stretch Goals, is virtually finalized. We hope it will give some sense for the level of effort we have put into developing City Builder and making it the earnest and useful sourcebook that it is.

Thanks to everyone who has come on board with this project and helped bring it to the point it is currently at! Please tell your friends why they should back it as well and help us get out the word about it so that we can unlock as many Stretch Goals as possible, including some very special ones at $20K and beyond.